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WELLNESS Definition Wellness is not the same as health. Wellness is not the same as health. Health generally refers to the physical well being of an individual.

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Presentation on theme: "WELLNESS Definition Wellness is not the same as health. Wellness is not the same as health. Health generally refers to the physical well being of an individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELLNESS Definition Wellness is not the same as health. Wellness is not the same as health. Health generally refers to the physical well being of an individual Health generally refers to the physical well being of an individual Wellness refers to the multi-dimensional interrelationship between Wellness refers to the multi-dimensional interrelationship between Physical, psychological/mental, social and spiritual dimensionsPhysical, psychological/mental, social and spiritual dimensions

2 1. Physical Functional operation of the body Functional operation of the body Includes: Includes: Nutrition, Physical Activity/Fitness and Protection/Control content/uploads/2011/10/A_Woman_Weary_ From_Fatigue_Royalty_Free_Clipart_Picture_ 100507-167314-75605323.jpg 2oWFc34/SoAl1WBmMyI/AAAAAAAACCE/DY 9pmlLLthU/s320/0511-0810-2315- 2022_Woman_with_a_Head_Cold_clipart_im age.jpg es/ClipArt/.pond/excl_popa_cristian_24.jpg.w300h30 0.jpg

3 2. Psychological Mental, Emotional and Intellectual Mental, Emotional and Intellectual groups/

4 3 Social Relationships and interactions with others Relationships and interactions with others Your Community (not just those close to us) Your Cultural & Environment

5 4. Spiritual The depth dimension The depth dimension Values, beliefs, commitments sandSafety.aspx

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