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Visions December 13, 2015 3 rd Sunday of Advent Gaudete Sunday Joy.

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1 Visions December 13, 2015 3 rd Sunday of Advent Gaudete Sunday Joy

2 Homework: Read “Cardboard Box City” pages 2 – 4 and answer the TALK questions on page 3

3 Gospel: Luke 3: 10-18 Two Parts: Narrator, John the Baptist Class three Parts: Crowd, Tax Collectors, Soldiers Discuss TALK ? Repentance is to change for the better, to feel sorry, and turn toward God as the center of one’s life 4 th period up to ? 1, second half

4 “John The Baptist Prepares Jesus Way” page 5 Aim: What do we know about John the Baptist? I.Last of Israel’s prophets II.One to prepare the way for Jesus III.Lifestyle & looks like Elijah IV.Called the Baptist – to show they washed to turned toward God, change of heart V.“voice crying in the wilderness”, Same theme as Isaiah VI.Prophets see, judge, and acts from the point of view of God VII.Arrested and beheaded by Herod A. Now Jesus time to preach 12/18 8 th Period Repentance is to change for the better, to feel sorry, and turn toward God as the center of one’s life

5 Homework: back page 8 Great Review

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