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Vocabulary Training Module - 1. Digress MeaningsTo wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another direction UsageIn a business report.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Training Module - 1. Digress MeaningsTo wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another direction UsageIn a business report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Training Module - 1

2 Digress MeaningsTo wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another direction UsageIn a business report or an oral presentation, it’s important to stick to the facts and not digress If she hadn’t digressed so much, her lecture would have been more interesting The old man’s story was full of humorous digressions Related wordsIngress : the place you walk in, the entrance Egress : the place you walk out, the exit Synonyms Antonyms

3 Adamant MeaningsUnyielding, immovable, inflexible, refusing to give in, unshakeable, unrelenting, implacable UsageShe was adamant in her opposition to the plan Related words Synonyms Antonyms

4 Saturated MeaningsSoaked, thoroughly wet, full of moisture UsageMy french fries are saturated with oil The company saturated the media with advertisements for its new product Related words SynonymsDrenched, steeped, permeated Antonyms

5 Pragmatic MeaningsPractical, having to do with actual practice, concerned with everyday affairs as opposed to theory or speculation UsageThe lawyer is concerned with evidence and proof; the businessperson is concerned with facts and figures. Both have little time for idle speculation or harebrained schemes. Both must be pragmatic, concerned with practical, everyday affairs. Related words Synonyms Antonyms

6 Morose Meaningsgloomy, moody, glum, grumpy, ill-tempered, depressed UsageAfter weeks of futile job-hunting, he became morose. When you are depressed and silent because you are feeling bitter or resentful, you are morose. Related words Synonymssolemn AntonymsOptimistic, jovial, sanguine

7 Candor MeaningsFrankness, Openness, sincere expression UsageThe candid person expresses his or her thoughts frankly and openly, with no hesitation. Related wordscandid Synonyms Antonyms

8 Congenial MeaningsSympathetic, agreeable, compatible, kindred, harmonious, having the same taste, nature or temperament UsageCongenial persons have similar or sympathetic tastes, interests, or personalities. Congenial things agree, go well together. Related words Synonyms Antonyms

9 Practice Test a.Would someone who speaks with candor be likely to digress? b.Can you describe a morose person as congenial? c.Would a pragmatic person be likely to make a business decision based on a hunch? d.Can the market ever be saturated with competing products? e.Would an adamant person agree to compromise?

10 Practice Test – Answers a.No. Someone who speaks with candor, frankness, openness, sincerity would not be likely to digress, stray from the point, wander away from the subject. b.No. Morose and congenial suggest opposite moods. A person who is morose, gloomy, bitterly depressed, is not likely to be congenial, sympathetic, willing to agree or get along. c.No. Pragmatic means practical, based on practice rather than speculation. d.Yes, it can. To saturate mans to soak thoroughly, drench completely, permeate, either literally or figuratively. e.No. Adamant means inflexible, unyielding, unwilling to give in.

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