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Conserving Water Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. this helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount.

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Presentation on theme: "Conserving Water Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. this helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount."— Presentation transcript:


2 Conserving Water Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. this helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount of contamination water that needs treatment. Be careful what you throw down the sink or toilet. Don't throw paints,oils or other forms of litter down the drain. Use environmentally house hold products, such as washing powder,house hold cleaning agents and toiletries. Take great care not to use pesticides and fertilizers. This will prevent runoff on the material into nearby water sources.

3 Potential Sources Of Water Pollution Potential sources of water pollution in my community: - improperly disposed chemicals and motor oil - non-natural fertilizer - improperly disposed plastic and metal - improperly disposed drugs and personal care products - pick up litter and dispose of it properly

4 Contributions To Water Pollution Everyday household activities contribute to water pollution. When it rains, fertilizer from lawns, oil from driveways, paint and solvent residues from walls and decks and even pet waste are all washed into storm sewers or nearby lakes, rivers and streams -- the same lakes, rivers and streams we rely on for drinking water supply, boating, swimming and fishing. Also, improper handling of materials around the house can lead to pollution. Here are some ways you can help reduce your impact on waterways.

5 Point and Non-Point Sources Of Contamination Point source contamination comes from one direct source, such as a factory. A non-point source comes from a variety of sources in two categories: Fugitive or mobile. Non-point sources do not have permits, usually. These pollutants come from diffuse sources, including lawns and gardens, industrial activity,parking lots, septic tanks, agriculture, and pet droppings.


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