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Important Terms to Know. What is History? Study of change over time Why did change take place? (make life easier, better) What effects did this change.

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Presentation on theme: "Important Terms to Know. What is History? Study of change over time Why did change take place? (make life easier, better) What effects did this change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Important Terms to Know

2 What is History? Study of change over time Why did change take place? (make life easier, better) What effects did this change have on people who experienced it? Can you give me some examples???

3 How do we study History? Primary Sources –Works created by someone who witnessed the event –Physical objects like coins, letters, newspaper articles Secondary Sources –Works based on Primary Sources. –Not written while the event was happening –Involve generalization and evaluation

4 Identify if the following as primary or secondary sources. Diary of Anne Frank - Experiences of a Jewish family during WWII The Constitution of Canada - Canadian History Weavings and pottery - Native American history Plato's Republic - Women in Ancient Greece A journal article reporting NEW research or findings A journal/magazine article which interprets or reviews previous findings A history textbook A book about the effects of WWI

5 How do we classify History? People Events Time Periods and Time Lines

6 What is Bias? A product of our cultural background (what we have done, seen, read or heard in our own lives, families, communities, schools, province, country) It is how we view an object, a person, an event or an issue. It is the perspective we get or have (viewpoint) based on our own bias/prejudice/ how we see the world.

7 Definition of BIAS An emotional leaning to one side Biased in favour of or against someone or something Can you think of some Bias statements or examples of Bias?

8 What creates bias? 4 MAIN INFLUENCES 1.Geography – where you live 2.Ideology – objectivity, politics, and opinion 3.Institutional Affiliations – Economic and political 4.Nature of the Medium – does the limitations of the medium skew the information expressed?

9 What is an artifact? An object made through human skill or work

10 What is a fossil? The remains of a prehistoric plant or animal preserved in rock

11 What is a timeline? A chronology A representation of key events within a particular historical event

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