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Chapter 7 Section 3.

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1 Chapter 7 Section 3

2 Chapter 7, Section 3 Quiz 1.Why was the election of John Quincy Adams in 1824 controversial? 2.What political party was formed by supporters of Andrew Jackson? 3.Who benefited from Andrew Jackson's spoils system? 4.Which Native American group walked the Trail of Tears? 5.What act of Congress eventually led to the Trail of Tears? 6.what was the result of the Trail of Tears? 7.On whose favor did the Supreme Court rule in Worcester vs. Georgia? 8.What was Andrew Jackson’s response to the ruling in Worcester vs. Georgia?

3 Character Development
How do you hope your family and friends remember you?

4 Chapter 7, Section 3 III. The Age of Jackson
A.    Andrew Jackson- ran for president against John Quincy Adams (1824). B.    Because neither candidate received a majority of votes, the House of Representatives got to decide.

5 1.    Henry Clay- Speaker of the House- disliked Jackson and helped Adams win.
2.    Jackson’s followers formed their own party- Democratic Republican Party.

6 C.    The Voting Population and its growth
D.    Jackson, because of appeal to the new voters, won the Election of 1828 by a landslide.

7 E.Jackson’s New Presidential Style
1. appeal to the common man 2.“kitchen cabinet” 3.spoils system

8   F.The Removal of the Native Americans
1.    Five Civilized Tribes 2.    White man’s desire for land 3.    Indian Removal Act (1830) 4.    Cherokees went to Supreme Court, where Chief Justice John Marshall ruled in their favor. 5.    Jackson’s reaction 6.    Trail of Tears

9 Andrew Jackson

10 John Quincy Adams

11 Henry Clay



14 A. Andrew Jackson- ran for president against John Quincy Adams (1824).
Ch 7, S3 III. The Age of Jackson A. Andrew Jackson- ran for president against John Quincy Adams (1824). B. Because neither candidate received a majority of votes, the House of Representatives got to decide. 1. Henry Clay- Speaker of the House- disliked Jackson and helped Adams win. 2. Jackson’s followers formed their own party- Democratic Republican Party. C. The Voting Population and its growth D. Jackson, because of appeal to the new voters, won the Election of 1828 by a landslide. E. Jackson’s New Presidential Style 1. appeal to the common man 2. “kitchen cabinet” 3. spoils system F. The Removal of the Native Americans 1. Five Civilized Tribes 2. White man’s desire for land 3. Indian Removal Act (1830) 4. Cherokees went to Supreme Court, where Chief Justice John Marshall ruled in their favor. 5. Jackson’s reaction 6. Trail of Tears

15 Review Questions Complete each sentence:
1. Because no candidate received a majority of the vote of the ________, the House of Representatives had to decide the election of 1824. 2. By the presidential election of 1828, many states had dropped their ___________ qualifications for voting. 3. Andre Jackson’s group of close advisors were known as his __________. 4. So many ______________ died along the group’s forced march west that the journey became known as the Trail of Tears. 5. Supporters of Andrew Jackson accused John Q. Adams and Speaker of the House ____________ of conspiracy to give Adams the presidency in 1824.

16 Writing Choose one of the following-
1. Discuss Andrew Jackson’s beliefs and policies as president. Why do you think he was known as a “common man”? 2. Discuss Andrew Jackson’s view of Native Americans. What policies did he introduce in dealing with Native Americans? What effect did it have on the group as a whole?

17 Anna Shartzer is the coolest!

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