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MAN UP BIBLE SERIES IRON MAN 2 – How to be a Mentor Lesson Three.

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1 MAN UP BIBLE SERIES IRON MAN 2 – How to be a Mentor Lesson Three

2 The Real World I was not a big fan of the board game, LIFE. You went around a board and bad things happened to you. You filled up your car with a wife and kids. It seemed a bit pointless to me. Real Life can become like that game in many ways. Mentors (Coaches, Disciplers, Guides, Teachers, Trainers, Counselors) are there to bring some significance to this game of Life that we are playing each day. We need mentors. You are called to be a mentor. For some of you that is an easy step for others you have a lot of things to get straight before you can help others. Realize that God has called all of us to help others to be all they can be. In order for others to be like Jesus they must first see Jesus in us. Sadly that is not what the world sees in most Christians today. We are far from what we need to be. The great news is we are only a prayer away from perfection. If you are not ready to mentor, get ready right now. Pray and dedicate yourself to being like Jesus each and every day! The first step is the hardest but it is also the most rewarding.

3 The Real Word Matthew 16: 24 -26 Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus 24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

4 Real Talk What was your favorite Board game as a kid? Are you winning at the Game of Life? Are you still looking for a better you?

5 Real Steps What a Mentor does: 1. He is a Source of Information. He Knows Things. 2. He Provides Wisdom. The Skill of Living. 3. He Promoters specific skills and behaviors. Practical. 4. He provides feedback. A Mirror to the Soul. 5. He Coaches. Helps you Win at Life. 6. He is a Sounding Board. What if? 7. He is someone to turn to. You can trust him. 8. He helps build a life plan. Lends Perspective. 9. He encourages curiosity. Opens Doors to new thoughts.

6 Time to Close So are you ready to be a Mentor? Below are some questions for you to answer as you consider this question: 1. Are you a man of patience having a long range view of Life? 2. Do you have a set of skills or an area of expertise? 3. Do you have healthy relationships? 4. Are you willing to stick with someone over the long haul? 5. Are you willing to take risks? 6. Are you willing to help someone else grow? 7. Do you have a character that is worth emulating? 8. Are you willing to make time for someone else? 9. Do you have an area of sin or weakness that could destroy you? 10. Is Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? How did you answer these questions? While we are not perfect a mentor needs to be a person of high ideals. The main call is to have Jesus as the Lord of your life and a willingness to help others. Time to MAN UP!

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