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Methodological questions of migration and ethnocultural diversity in Population Censuses StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3 Dushanbe, March 2007 Werner Haug.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodological questions of migration and ethnocultural diversity in Population Censuses StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3 Dushanbe, March 2007 Werner Haug."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodological questions of migration and ethnocultural diversity in Population Censuses StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3 Dushanbe, March 2007 Werner Haug (2)

2 International and internal migration: topics and questions in the Census Werner Haug

3 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 3 Country of citizenship (core)  Information is collected to identify the foreign resident population. It should be collected for all persons  Country of citizenship should be coded in the most detailed manner, based on the UN Statistical Divisions classification of countries and areas  Attention: not all areas have their own citizenship (dependent territories)  Stateless persons should be identified separately  Information about dual or multiple citizenship should be collected

4 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 4 Citizenship acquisition (non core)  Where the number of naturalized persons is significiant, the way of acquisition of citizenship can be asked (by birth or naturalization), including the year  Newly independent statesmight include in the typology the acquisition of citizenship when the new state was created

5 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 5 Country/place of birth (core)  Information is collected to identify internal and international migrants with reference to the place of birth  Two possibilities for coding: geographical unit in which the birth took place or place of residence of the mother at the time of birth  For native borns: smallest civil division  For foreign borns: country according to international boundaries at the time of the Census

6 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 6 Ever resided abroad and year of arrival (core)  Information is collected to identify ever international migrants  With year of arrival they can be classified according to the year of (last) immigration and the duration of residence in the country can be calculated  For newly independent states: the question should be phrased with explicit reference to the boundaries at the time of the census

7 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 7 Country of previous usual residence (non core)  For persons that have ever resided abroad: the country of previous residence is an imporant information  Again: boundaries at the time of the Census are the reference

8 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 8 Previous place of residence and date of arrival (core)  Information is collected to understand the geographic and time patterns of the last internal or international migration  Two possibilities: –extensive mode (year and month of arrival at current place) –Reduced mode (usual residence one year prior to Census)  For internal migration: the smallest civil division should be asked

9 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 9 Place of usual residence five years prior (non core)  If the reduced mode for the previous place of residence is chosen, the residence five year prior to the Census could also be asked  It is particularly useful for countries conducting the Census every 10 years

10 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 10 Country of birth of parents (non core)  Information is collected to identify the descendants of international migrants (the native born with foreign background)  The question should be asked seperately for father and mother  The classification can distinguish between persons with one and with two parents born abroad

11 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 11 Reason for migration (non core)  This question is asked to identify the motives for internal and international migration  It serves to identify in particular population with refugee background and internally displaced persons (IDP’s)(i.e. persons that experienced forced migration)  The question should refer to the one main reason that drove persons to undertake the most recent move  The question should best be asked as a subquestion on residence abroad or on the previous place of usual residence

12 12-16 March 2007 StatCapCA Training Workshop No 3, Dushanbe 12 Derived topics (combining several topics)  Foreign born foreigners and nationals  Native born foreigners and nationals  Persons with foreign background (parents born outside the country), with the distinction between « first » and « second » generation  Population with refugee background (including family)  Internally discplaced

13 Thank you for your attenion!

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