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Communicating Verbally

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1 Communicating Verbally
Chapter 4

2 Understanding Verbal Symbols
Language – system of symbols that allows us to convey meaning Grammar – set of rules dictating how words can be combined

3 Understanding Verbal Symbols
Encoding – forming messages to be sent Decoding – applying meaning to the message or code

4 Attributes of Verbal Symbols
Words are symbolic Language evolves Words are powerful

5 Attributes of Verbal Symbols
Meanings for words can be denotative or connotative Denotative – literal, agreed on meaning of a symbol (dictionary definition) Connotative – personal meaning based on past and subjective experiences

6 Words Vary in Abstraction – from concrete to abstract
Process of abstraction Strategic ambiguity Equivocation Euphemisms

7 Factors Affecting Verbal Symbols
Culture and ethnicity Idiom Phatic communication Code-switching Speech communities

8 Factors Affecting Verbal Symbols
Sex and gender Two-culture theory – belief that being male or being female constitutes different cultures with different rules, norms, and language patterns

9 Factors Affecting Verbal Symbols
Generation – age cohorts distinguish themselves from the generation before them Context – setting or situation in which the transaction occurs

10 The Dark Side of Verbal Symbols
Polarization – using language in extremes or an either-or fashion

11 The Dark Side of Verbal Symbols
Rectification – when we respond to the word or label instead of the things themselves Muting – language use that lets some ideas and experiences go unnamed

12 The Dark Side of Verbal Symbols
Sexist language use Generic he Man-linked words Racist language use Homophobic language

13 The Bright Side of Verbal Codes
Confirmation - use language in such a way as validate and support the another person Disconfirmation - use language in such a way as to ignore and disregard another person

14 Choices for Improving Verbal Communication
Perspective taking – cultivating a respect for other’s and their viewpoints Owning of our thoughts and feelings I-messages vs. you-messages

15 Choices for Improving Verbal Communication
Understanding the ladder of abstraction Indexing Probe the middle ground

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