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Research and Projects: Z, M, and Beyond! William E. Moen School of Library and Information Sciences Texas Center for Digital Knowledge University of North.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Projects: Z, M, and Beyond! William E. Moen School of Library and Information Sciences Texas Center for Digital Knowledge University of North."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Projects: Z, M, and Beyond! William E. Moen School of Library and Information Sciences Texas Center for Digital Knowledge University of North Texas Denton, TX 72603 2004 SLIS Board of Advisors Meeting, February 9, 2004

2 Moen 2004 SLIS Board of Advisors Meeting --February 9, 2004 2 Z-INTEROP Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed IMLS National Leadership Grant (2000) Improve semantic interoperability through systematic testing and assessment of Z39.50 clients and servers, and online catalog implementations Supported by Sirsi, OCLC, and Bookwhere/Web Clarity Request for extension to pursue a Radioactive MARC Record approach for interoperability testing Will lower barriers for individual libraries to participate Innovative method that may be adaptable to other networked information retrieval applications

3 Moen 2004 SLIS Board of Advisors Meeting --February 9, 2004 3 ZLOT Z39.50 Implementation in Library of Texas Metasearch implementation allowing single search interface across library catalogs, TexShare databases, and other networked resources Design and technical requirements for Resource Discovery Service for TSLAC (2001-2003) Public release on February 2, 2004 Functions: Presence of local library in interface and for services Default and user selection of target resources Searching – Simple and advanced Full-text access through transparent authentication Get it! – Search online bookstores, submit request to initiate ILL MARC record downloads (with permission) Currently working on implementation of evaluation plan

4 Moen 2004 SLIS Board of Advisors Meeting --February 9, 2004 4 Analyzing MARC Content Designation Use Need an acronym or abbreviation! Preliminary analysis as part of Z-Interop Project Frequency count on 400,000 WorldCat records Findings: Moen 5 / 20 rule 36 fields/subfields account for 80% of all occurrences 19 fields/subfields may be sufficient for indexing to support title, author, and subject keyword searching What extent do catalogers use the rich content designation available? Can MARC records serve as an artifact of the entire cataloging enterprise, and if so, what do they reveal about that enterprise? Submitted a proposal to IMLS for funding this research

5 Moen 2004 SLIS Board of Advisors Meeting --February 9, 2004 5 Summary frequency results Frequency# of Fields/Subfields% of All Occurrences > 600,00014.4% 500,000 > 599,99900% 400,000 > 499,9991339.9% 300,000 > 399,999614.3% 200,000 > 299,999610.6% 100,000 > 199,9991010.3% TOTAL3679.5% Total number of fields/subfields occurring in dataset = 13,849,499 Only 4% of all fields/subfields account for 80% of all occurrences or 96% of all fields/subfields account for 20% of all occurrences

6 Moen 2004 SLIS Board of Advisors Meeting --February 9, 2004 6 References Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed  ZLOT: Library of Texas Resource Discovery Service   MARC Content Designation Utilization   Dublin Core Conference Paper:   IMLS Proposal:  posa1Feb2004.pdf

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