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New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

2 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

3 Dr. Antonio Serra Hospital de Sant Pau, Hospital del Mar Barcelona Case as Presented by New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

4 Patient A 64-yr old male patient Risk factors: Hypertension Ex-smoker Hypercholesterolemia CAD clinical presentation : Inferior AMI 4 hrs of evolution. Non complicated Clinical presentation New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

5 Coronary angiography Ostial LM + LAD disease Occlusion mid RCA New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

6 Primary PCI Patient A TIMI 0 flow after wire crossing. New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

7 Patient B 60-yr old male patient Risk factors: Hypertension Active smoker CAD clinical presentation : Angina Class II in the last 3 months Acute anterior MI of 3 hours of evolution, uncomplicated. Clinical presentation New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

8 Coronary angiography Normal RCA Occlusion mid LAD New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

9 Coronary angiography New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

10 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Coronary angiography Patient B TIMI 0 flow after wire crossing.

11 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Coronary angiography Patient APatient B Both patients with TIMI 0 flow after wire crossing

12 How would you treat ? A : Balloon dilatation B :Direct Stenting C : Aspiration D :Other alternatives New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

13 Dr. Antonio Serra Hospital de Sant Pau, Hospital del Mar Barcelona How did I treat ? New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

14 Option A : Balloon When does distal embolization occur in primary PCI? 400 consecutive patients with primary PCI: Distal embolization 64 / 400 (16%) Napodano M et al. TCT, 2005 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

15 Option A : Balloon Impact of distal embolization during primary PCI Henriques JP et al. The Zwolle Group. Eur Heart J 2002;23:1112-1117 Distal embolization 27 / 194 (14%) New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

16 Option B : Direct Stenting How to choose the stent? TIMI 0-1 flow after crossing the occlusion with the guide wire Stent choice ? : Lenght…………… ? Diameter………… ? Guidance New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

17 Option C: Aspiration Spanish TAPAS New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Since the publication of the TAPAS trial, Aspiration in all acute MI became a Gold Standard in primary PCI. However, is aspiration useful in all patients with acute MI?

18 TAPAS trial Svilaas T et al. N Engl J Med 2008;358:557-567 Balloon (n=503) Export (n=502) 1071 Pts with acute MI + Abciximab EXPORT Catheter New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager No visible thrombus on angiogram: 51% EXPORT Catheter did not cross: 11% No material in the aspirate: 27% Amongst those with material in aspirate, 67.7% were platelet thrombi Size of aspirated material < 0.5mm in the majority of cases

19 TAPAS trial : Aspiration arm (n=502) EXPORT Not able to cross (n=54) Nothing in the aspirate (n=123) Thrombus < 0.5 mm (n=179) Thrombus > 0.5 mm (n=146) 11% 24.5% 35.7% 28.8% Thrombus > 2.0 mm : 61 / 331 pts = 18.4% New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

20 Spanish Registry AMICath crossed the occlusion : 95% 100 consecutive pts with acute MI < 12 h and TIMI flow 0-1 after wire crossing TIMI 2-3 flow after AMICath : 85% Angiographically visible thrombus : 49% Thrombus aspiration : 18% Stent implant without pre-dilatation : 83% New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

21 Should we routinely aspirate in all primary PCI cases ? In 60.2% of Cases -No aspirate OR -´Mini´ thrombus Catheter big profile - Plaque rupture - Spasm - Distal emboli Option C: Always aspiration first When thrombus is visible on angiography “SELECTIVE ASPIRATION” Guidance NO New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager When should we aspirate in primary PCI ?

22 Option D: Other alternatives New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Tip profile : 0.017”, like standard PTCA balloon The profile increases up to 1.5 mm 4 Radiopaque markers separated by 10 mm “High flow” distal holes Monorail system Hypotube design for max push Very flexible

23 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient A AMI Cath advanced distal to the oclusion. Adenosine 1-2 mg injected distally to the occlusion to prevent reperfusion injury

24 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient A Dye injection through “high flow” distal holes of the AMI Cath allows anatomic characterization of the distal vessel.

25 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient A TIMI 3 flow is restored by “Dotter effect” with the AMI Cath. Absence of distal embolization. Time to recanalize the artery: 3 minutes

26 Patient A Thrombus ? New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

27 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient A Thrombus aspiration with the HUNTER Catheter

28 Patient A BMS (Apolo Bionert) 3.0 x 19 mm Final result New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

29 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient A TIMI 3 flow Blush grade 2-3 > 70% ST segment resolution

30 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient B AMI Cath advanced distal to the oclusion. Adenosine 2-4 mg distally to prevent reperfusion injury

31 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient B Dye injection through “high flow” distal holes of the AMI Cath allows anatomic characterization of the distal vessel.

32 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient B TIMI 3 flow is obtained in < 3 minutes since the insertion of the AMI Cath.

33 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient B Thrombus ?

34 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient B Second GW in D1 “Direct” BMS 3.0 x 23 mm Final result

35 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Patient B TIMI 3 flow Blush grade 2-3 > 70% ST segment resolution

36 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager Summary Patients of similar age, risk factors Acute uncomplicated MI of < 6 hrs, TIMI 0-1 flow after wire crossing. TIMI 3 flow restored in < 3 minutes - Adenosine distal to the occlusion (prevention of reperfusion injury) - Assessment of the distal vessel ThrombusNO Thrombus A B Manual aspiration “Direct” stenting TIMI 3, Blush 2-3, > 70% STR AMI Cath Strategy GUIDANCEGUIDANCE Manual aspiration

37 New strategies and perfusion/aspiration devices for primary PCI Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager THANK YOU Sandra Garcia Cruset, PhD. Cordynamic B.U. Marketing Manager

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