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2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff MEMS 2002 Conference Report Daryl Oshatz and Mark Scheeff more information at:

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1 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff MEMS 2002 Conference Report Daryl Oshatz and Mark Scheeff more information at:

2 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Working definition of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) Integrated systems of sensing, actuation and computation Usually use a batch fabrication, lithographic process Usually based on a silicon wafer (LIGA is one exception) Remove material from wafer OR Build a structure on top of that wafer Milli scale, not nano-scale Can generally still use bulk properties of material

3 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Conference Overview 500ish attendees, mostly academic 3 days in Las Vegas New field, reasonably approachable people Single track: Papers in the morning Posters in the afternoon The Food was lousy

4 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Conference Topics biomedical mems fluidic components and microsystems, biomedical/fluidic BioMEMS power mems acoustics and sensors technology/material/packaging ·optical mems actuators RF/wireless micro chemical analysis systems

5 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff What we Saw, 10,000 ft view We got used to saying “Wow” If you can think of it, its probably been done –(but maybe as an isolated piece) –(but maybe poorly, or in an expensive fashion) –(and probably not driven by a specific app) Significant maturation in last 3-5 years

6 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Where are MEMS coming from? Universities making cool devices Companies bring talent in house for specific product needs Companies will make something for you –Memscap, Corning, Applied MEMS etc.

7 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff A few devices from the lab Micro-pumps, pneumatic single use power supplies, beam steering units, wireless communication MEMS, wireless powered mems, fluidic mixer,reaction chambers, hinge mechanisms, 3D mems, self assembling (via solder) mems, microelectrode arrays, microneedle arrays (claim: no pain!), chemicalsensors, resonators, wings with tiny check-valves, thermoacoustic refrigerator, rotary motors, linear “stepper” motors, high-frequency filters, opticalswitches, cantilever data storage, microcombustors, micro-turbines, pressure sensors (absolute and relative), microphones, stress sensor, laser cavity tuners.

8 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff A few devices from Industry Pressure sensors, particularly for small applications or high temp environments. Mass flow sensors, based on hot wire anemometers Acceleration sensors, usually for vehicle air bag deployment Rate gyros, usually for vehicle stability control. Many designs Infrared imaging sensor for room temp sensing Digital Micromirror device from TI Tiny valves

9 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Funding (North American) DARPA NIH NSF corporations

10 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Directions in MEMS “This stuff is so cool, why can’t I buy it” –Packaging difficult –Needs to be application driven –Need to design a whole system –Promise of CMOS batch process gives way to sometimes specialized work. –Not as cheap as you’d like…

11 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Some Highlights – a broad range of technology is out there Electronic Fountain Pen – the only functional MEMS system being carried around in someone’s pocket at the conference Led-Spec – Flaky but clever prototype for spectroscopic detection of drinking water contaminants using on-chip glow discharge Hybrid Living/Non-Living Devices – muscle- MEMS, nano-stepper motor powered by and ATP synthase molecule.

12 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Electronic Fountain Pen Gunther Waibel, HSG-IMIT - Germany

13 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff LED-SpEC (liquid electrode spectral emission chip) Chester G. Wilson, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Water from sample used as anode and cathode (no wear of electrodes) Water and impurities are sputtered into glow discharge in air at atmosphere Optical fiber brings signal out to pager sized spectrometer

14 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Opportunities Focus on systems with a funding source and end-users in mind –For our own needs? –As demonstration of important tech? Leverage existing skills to bring something to the table –Packaging –Integrating electronics with sensors

15 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Opportunities An LBNL Microsystems Applications Group? Dovetails with “molecular foundry”, nano-everything, mesoscale machining? Exploit the space between a simple, flaky prototype and a fully functional product

16 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Some Contacts Prof. Liwei Lin (Co-director of BSAC) is ready for us to make the next move – “tell me what you want” SANDIA – Chris Dyck RF Microsystems group has extended an invitation for a group of LBNL folks to take a tour of the Albuquerque facilities Business cards and enthusiasm were flowing…

17 2/15/2002MEMS 2002 conference report Oshatz and Scheeff Questions for the Group What’s the path forward? –A major commitment, investment in a program, buy credibility? –Incremental commitment, proposals, interns? In house work? Collaborations? Why would someone work with us? How would we develop MEMS skills?

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