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Science: Plate Tectonics Thursday Jan 21. Warm Up Bring your notebook, pencil, colored pencils, glue stick and agenda to your desk Complete Thursday’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Science: Plate Tectonics Thursday Jan 21. Warm Up Bring your notebook, pencil, colored pencils, glue stick and agenda to your desk Complete Thursday’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science: Plate Tectonics Thursday Jan 21

2 Warm Up Bring your notebook, pencil, colored pencils, glue stick and agenda to your desk Complete Thursday’s warm up now YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING WHEN THE BELL RINGS

3 Reminders… We have a lab planned soon! “Snacking on Plate Tectonics” For us to have this lab, we need…. 3-4 boxes of graham crackers 3-4 boxes of fruit roll ups 3-4 cans of icing

4 Next Assessment… You will have your test on Plate Tectonics on Wednesday Jan 27 2016 Add this to your agenda now! After testing, we will begin our next unit on 6.E.2.3 Soil and the Rock Cycle

5 Using your notes…. Turn back in your notebook to your layers of the Earth foldable that shows a convection cell

6 Does the convection always move the same direction?

7 Who can tell me… What type of boundary occurs when 2 tectonic plates push together creating mountains Continental – Continental Plate Boundary:

8 Who can tell me… Where is this occurring today? Himalayan Mountains MH7RwupQ MH7RwupQ

9 Who can tell me… What type of boundary occurs when two tectonic plates scrape past one another Transform plate boundary What does this cause on the surface? earthquakes

10 What is the name of the famous Transform Plate Boundary located in California San Andreas fault

11 Who remembers the Mid Ocean Ridge? What type of plate boundary is this? DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY

12 Who remembers the Mid Ocean Ridge? What occurs (happens) at this boundary? New crust is being created

13 So, let’s think about this…. Is the Earth getting larger because of the Mid Ocean Ridge? Remember new crust is being created! Who can explain why the Earth is not getting bigger?

14 Who remembers Subduction Zones? What type of plate boundary is this? CONVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY When two tectonic plates push together (move towards one another)

15 Who remembers Subduction Zones? What happens at the continental oceanic plate boundary? Old crust is being destroyed

16 Plate Movements… These types of plate movements cause what features on Planet Earth? Volcanoes Earthquakes Mountains Did the Earth 200 million years ago look to way it does today? How do you know?

17 Pangaea…200 million years ago How does this map compare with the world’s continents today?

18 Plate Tectonics / Continental Drift Who is credited with this theory of plate movement and the concept of Pangaea? Alfred Wegener

19 Who is Alfred Wegener? rao rao As you listen to the video, write down 3 important facts you hear Be prepared to share…

20 Volunteers… Who would like to share the facts you wrote down from the video

21 write in notebook Alfred Wegener: (1880-1930) Credited with the “Theory of Plate Tectonics” (Continental Drift) Pangaea : name of the Supercontinent (means "all lands“) “Theory of Plate Tectonics states that over time, the continents broke up and drifted apart (they are still moving today)

22 From Pangaea to Modern Continents dXPA dXPA Watch this animation of how scientist think the continents drifted or spread apart over millions of years

23 Evidence (proof) for Theory of Plate Tectonics write in notebook…. 1. Fit of the Continents 2. Fossil Evidence 3. Identical Rock and Soil Deposits

24 Write in notebook Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics 1. Fit of the Continents – E. South America and W. Africa appear to fit together like giant puzzle pieces

25 Write in notebook Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics 2. Fossil Evidence: – Same plant and animal fossils found in South America and Africa and Europe and North America Remember oceans are between these continents so these plants and animals could not have traveled across the water

26 Write in notebook Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics 3. Geological Rock and Soil Deposits – Same rocks found in North America and Europe

27 Pangaea – The Super Continent Pangaea – What Scientists think the Earth will look like 100 million years into the future VD4 VD4 Watch the video and write down 3 facts you see happen in the video Be ready to share….

28 Pangaea Puzzle Activity Can you figure out how the Earth looked over 200 million years ago?

29 Plate Tectonics….Your Turn….. You will complete a Pangaea Puzzle activity now We will review this now….. Directions and Legend sheet (class set) Puzzle pieces (each student gets a copy)

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