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Failure Is this possible for a Captive?. Why do businesses fail Pricing Demand Supply Efficiency Expansion Diversification Capitalization Financial risks.

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Presentation on theme: "Failure Is this possible for a Captive?. Why do businesses fail Pricing Demand Supply Efficiency Expansion Diversification Capitalization Financial risks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Failure Is this possible for a Captive?

2 Why do businesses fail Pricing Demand Supply Efficiency Expansion Diversification Capitalization Financial risks Governance

3 Why would a Captive fail Pricing Demand Supply Efficiency Expansion Diversification Capitalization Financial risks Governance Premiums, Exposures Alternatives, Risk Management Returns, Reinsurance Spending, dividends Surplus strain Unrelated, Risk Management Cushion, smoothing objective Counter-parties Enterprise Risk Management

4 Mitigating Factors Special Purpose Regulation Oversight Governance Timely reporting Conservative investment policy Credentialed service providers Solvency or Capital & Surplus requirements

5 Emerging Risks

6 Emerging Risks are developing or changing risks which are difficult to quantify and which may have a major impact

7 Motivation for Captives Coverage not available Coverage not affordable Narrow coverage, exclusions Why does this situation come about ? Bad loss experience for commercial market Too difficult to identify or quantify

8 Emerging Risk Landscape Asbestosis Telemedicine Endocrine disruptors Botulimin Toxin Nanotechnology Pervasive computing Health Care Reform

9 Common Denominators High uncertainty Little information available Frequency and severity difficult to assess Could be phantom risks (“may” have impact) No industry position No-one wants to make the first move

10 Captive Solution Special Purpose Coverage Design Limited Recourse Prepare v. Plan

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