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GLOBALIZATION Standard 8. GLOBALIZATION VOCAB  Iranian Hostage Crisis  Apartheid  Tiananmen Square  9/11/2001  Three Gorges Dam  Deforestation 

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBALIZATION Standard 8. GLOBALIZATION VOCAB  Iranian Hostage Crisis  Apartheid  Tiananmen Square  9/11/2001  Three Gorges Dam  Deforestation "— Presentation transcript:


2 GLOBALIZATION VOCAB  Iranian Hostage Crisis  Apartheid  Tiananmen Square  9/11/2001  Three Gorges Dam  Deforestation  U.N. Declaration of Human Rights  Al Qaeda  United Nations  Fundamentalist  Terrorism  Internet  Balfour Declaration  1973 OPEC Oil Crisis  NAFTA

3 WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION?  Globalization is the movement towards more interconnectedness, in economics, politics, social matters, etc.  Globalization has been enabled by the spread of new technologies and innovations, and over the last 50 years our world has grown smaller, and global awareness has become more of an issue  Globalization has its share of positives and negatives, depending on your paradigm

4 GLOBALIZATION SUCCESSES- INNOVATIONS  Computers  Device for making calculations and storing, processing, and manipulating data  First built in the 1940s and were enormous machines  With the invention of the silicon chip, personal computers (PCs) became widely available in the 1970s  Social Media represented another step forward in technology, changing the way we communicate and exchange information. Social media even became a political factor (i.e. Arab Spring 2010-present)  The Green Revolution  Caused by the introduction of commercially improved seeds, pesticides, and equipment in the 1950s  Led to increased production of food & cheaper food, but it is also blamed for pushing local farmers out of business because prices for crops dropped too low for small farmers to make a living  Medical Innovations- Polio Vaccine & HIV/AIDS treatment

5 GLOBALIZATION SUCCESSES- ENVIRONMENTAL  The innovations of industrialization caused a new problem- balancing industrial expansion with effects on the global environment  Pollution from factories and power plants  Deforestation- Cutting down of trees without replacing them. Large issue in Africa, Latin America, and Asia  Global Warming- A phenomenon of a rise in Earth’s surface temperature over time. This issue is debated by scientists even today

6 GLOBALIZATION SUCCESSES- AWARENESS (HUMAN RIGHTS)  U.N. Declaration of Human Rights  Issued in 1948 guaranteed basic rights of all humans  Effective in preventing human rights violations  Apartheid  System of racial segregation in South Africa that protected rule of minority whites  Opposed by the African National Congress, first nonviolently, then with violence after police attacked peaceful protesters in Sharpeville  Leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu continued to struggle against it (Mandela was arrested and sent to prison for life) until President F.W. de Kierk ended it in 1990  In 1994, all races voted for the first time, and Mandela was elected president

7 GLOBALIZATION STRUGGLES- INTERNATIONAL CRISIS  Iran Hostage Crisis  In support of an Iranian Revolution, where the country revolted against western influence under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a group of students took over the American Embassy in the Iranian capital of Tehran (November 4, 1979)  52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days. The students who overtook the compound were supported by Ayatollah Khomeini, a religious leader who led the revolution and eventually took power  The standoff ended with negotiations and the hostages returned home  Persian Gulf War  1990-1991- Between Iraq & U.N. led by the USA  Saddam Hussein occupied Kuwait, a nation bordering Iraq, attempting to control its oil reserves  A coalition force led by the USA liberated the country & crushed the Iraqi forces  Hussein, however, stayed in power until 2003

8 GLOBALIZATION STRUGGLES- RISE OF TERRORISM  Definition- Violent acts meant to support a political goal  Domestic  Oklahoma City  April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building  Killed 168 people  Conceived by Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols  McVeigh supported local militias and was angered at the federal government’s use of power in sieges on Ruby Ridge (1992) and Waco, Texas (1993)  McVeigh was executed & Nichols was sentence to life in prison  Eric Rudolph  Executed a series of bombings in the USA from 1996-1998  Bombed the Olympics in Atlanta (Centennial Park) as well as several abortion clinics  Maintained as a fugitive until he was caught in 2005, serving consecutive life sentences  Acted in the interest of anti-abortionists

9 GLOBALIZATION STRUGGLES- RISE OF TERRORISM (cont.)  9/11  Worst terrorist attack in US history  Occurred on September 11, 2001  A series of 4 coordinated strikes by hijacked airplanes on the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and the White House (plane headed to White House was forced down by the passengers)  Perpetrated by al Qaeda and masterminded by Osama bin Laden, who blamed the attack on the US support of Israel and troops in Saudi Arabia  Bin Laden was captured and killed in May 2011

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