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Identifying Benchmark Times Unit of Study 9 : Measuring Time Global Concept Guide: 1 of 3.

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1 Identifying Benchmark Times Unit of Study 9 : Measuring Time Global Concept Guide: 1 of 3

2 Content Development  Approximately 2 days should be spent on telling time using benchmarks.  Fully understanding how to read the hour and minute hands of a analog clock demands a conscious switching for quarter and half turns in relation to either the hour past or the hour approaching. (Math Misconceptions, 2010, p.110)  Students will identify time on a digital and analog clock. to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour.  Students must be able to read and record time in a variety of ways; for example, 6:45pm; quarter to seven; fifteen minutes to seven.  Provide students with opportunities to tell time throughout the day. Using time checks will assist the students as they review how to read and record time.

3 Day 1  The focus of Day 1 is reading a one handed clock.  Suggested Engage: Create a number line using index cards numbered 1-12. Connect each card with a brass fastener. Using an arrow, point directly to a number (for example the number 3). Ask students what the arrow is on. Repeat this a few times asking the students to determine what number the arrow is on.  Place the arrow in between two numbers (5 and 6) and ask students what the arrow pointing to now. Students should say it is halfway between the 5 and 6.  At this point, show students how you can turn the number line into a circle that resembles a clock. Practice identifying the numbers that the arrow is on while it is in the circle so students see that it is the same activity as when it was a number line it just looks a little different.

4 Day 1  Sample Task: Fraction Times  Utilize fraction circles and the scaled analog clock face to explore benchmark times.

5 Day 1  Sample Task: Matching Time  Students match times shown on one handed clocks with their digital and verbal representations.

6 Day 2  Suggested Task: Make a human clock. Distribute the numerals 1-12 among 12 students. These numerals will represent the hours on a clock. Position the student who has the 12 and ask the class where the 6 should go. Do the same thing with the 3 and the 9. Ask the rest of the numbers to stand where they belong. (Math Misconceptions, 2010, p.112)  Give each student 5 snap cubes of the same color to represent the minutes on a clock. Disconnect them and place them correctly on the clock face.  Use human clock to display times and discuss strategies for telling time.

7 Day 2

8  The focus of Day 2 is using benchmark times to help you tell time efficiently.  Suggested Task: The Hans of Time (SE p.121)  Students identify benchmark times using analog and digital representations.

9 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention  Reteach: Allow students to continue to utilize one handed clocks and the human clock to discuss times displayed.  TE 509B Reteach Activity  R104  Enrich:  TE 509B Enrich Activity  E104

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