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Published byNickolas Barker Modified over 9 years ago
95 session of Scientific Council 95th session of the JINR Scientific Scientific Council PAC for Nuclear Physics 19th meeting, 13–14 November 2003
95 session of Scientific Council HEAVY-ION PHYSICS Latest results on SHE synthesis The PAC congratulates the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions on the recent success in the synthesis of the new elements with Z=113 and Z=115 in the 48 Ca + 243 Am reaction. The very successful programme on SHE synthesis and investigations should be continued with first priority. Activity with gamma rays at FLNR The proposed Dubna– IN2P3 collaboration on Gamma spectroscopy of the heaviest elements is welcomed. Around one month’s beam time will be devoted to the first phase of the project (recoil implantation) in 2004. Feasibility studies for the second phase (recoil decay tagging) using the full beam intensity of U400 should be undertaken as early as possible.
95 session of Scientific Council
The PAC is impressed by the research programme outlined for FLNR for the years 2004–2006. This programme will guarantee continued leadership in this field. PAC approves this programme, acknowledges its scientific merits and recommends it with high priority. Adequate funds should be provided. The synthesis of superheavy elements including reaction studies, and the investigation of their nuclear and chemical properties. The detection of gamma rays as a new spectroscopic tool is especially appreciated. The production and structure studies of light radioactive nuclei including reaction studies, elastic scattering, and fusion-fission with 6 He.
95 session of Scientific Council Scientific Programme Experiments scheduled for 2004 U400: –Synthesis of the element 118 in reaction 249 Cf+ 48 Ca; –Chemical isolation of 268 Db produced in reaction 243 Am+ 48 Ca; –Synthesis of the isotopes 281,282 113 in reaction 237 Np+ 48 Ca; –Study of chemical properties of the elements 112 and 114 produced in reaction 244 Pu+ 48 Ca; –γ-spectroscopy of No-isotopes.
95 session of Scientific Council U400M –neutron correlations in 8 He; –RIB production on COMBAS. DRIBs –Elastic scattering of 6 He; –Fission reaction 238 U+ 6 He. Accelerator The PAC appreciates the satisfactory running time of the FLNR cyclotrons in 2003. The required beam time of 4500 hrs at U400, 1800 hrs at U400M and 1800 hrs for the U400+U400M mode must be fully allocated in 2004 to benefit from the unique possibilities of the accelerator complex and the dedicated instrumentation. Facilities development in 2004 The upgrade and modernization of the U400 accelerator should be completed with particular urgency.
95 session of Scientific Council FLNR in the field of heavy ion physics for 2004-2006. 11 projects in the framework of three themes: Synthesis of New Nuclei and Study of Nuclear Properties and Heavy Ion Reaction Mechanisms (9 projects); Development of the FLNR Cyclotron Complex for Producing Intensive Beams of Accelerated Ions of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes (2 projects); Development and Construction of the Accelerator Complex for Producing Radioactive Ion Beams (Project DRIBs).
95 session of Scientific Council To maintain the attractiveness of the FLNR basic set-ups in the future, it is necessary to realize the DRIBs project in its entirety without further delay, and to implement Phase I of the project during 2004. The necessary funds should be delivered to the project on time. The PAC discussed in detail the research programme and recommends extension of these activities with first priority in 2004–2006. Within the theme “Synthesis of New Nuclei and Study of Nuclear Properties and Heavy-Ion Reaction Mechanisms”, first priority should be given to the MASHA separator and to the continuous improvement and upgrade of the separators DGFRS, VASSILISSA, ACCULINNA, and COMBAS. These detector systems are essential for ongoing research. CORSET and MULTI should also be financed with high priority. FOBOS should be regarded as second priority.
95 session of Scientific Council Plans and reality for 2003 PLANS OF THE IREN PROJECT FOR YEAR 2003 initially formed to match main task of the approved time-table: START-UP IREN FACILITY BY THE END OF 2005 It was foreseen to realize simultaneously of the three main tasks: Dismantling of IBR-30 reactor to open way for obtaining license for construction of the IREN facility Completing the technological project of the facility and choice of producers of multiplying target systems Mounting of LUE-200 in Bld. 43 FLNP
95 session of Scientific Council Plans and reality for 2003 Realization of these plans needed ~650K$ including reimbursement of JINR debts for years 2001-2002 Finally JINR directorate has assigned following grants for year 2003: Dismantling IBR-30- 80 k$ (100% of requested) Project IREN - 50 k$ (~10% of requested )
95 session of Scientific Council Dismantling of IBR-30: results and perspectives for year 2004 In the beginning of 2003 detailed plan of activity for dismantling of IBR-30 had been prepared and approved by JINR directorate All points of this plan being on responsibility of FLNP and JINR workshop were fulfilled But due to lack of financing bld.117/6 was not fully equipped and we could not get license for its exploitation
95 session of Scientific Council Construction of LUE-200 Now there is a good start position for completing during next year of the first stage of LUE-200 linac if of course necessary funding will be available in time…
95 session of Scientific Council Perspectives for year 2004 and further Total investment into IREN project by the end of 2003 should be near 2.2 M$ Last estimation of GSPI for total cost of the IREN facility is 4.5- 5 M$
95 session of Scientific Council Perspectives for year 2004 and further Only possibility to complete a creation of the IREN source is to get external financing Very promising perspective in this direction were appeared due to probable collaboration with Kurchatov institute
95 session of Scientific Council Status of IREN The PAC noted that complementary financing for the IREN project is sought through the Kurchatov Institute and MINATOM. Recommendation. The PAC proposes that the project be presented again in due course, with updated schedules and planning.
95 session of Scientific Council LOW- AND INTERMEDIATE-ENERGY PHYSICS Results of GENIUS-TF tests The PAC heard with interest a report on first results of the JINR-Heidelberg project “Dark Matter search with GENIUS-TF”. Successful operation of the first four Ge-detectors was demonstrated with unprecedented levels of background suppression. Recommendation. The PAC recommends continuation of this impressive experiment with high priority, and looks forward to hearing about further progress at a future meeting.
95 session of Scientific Council
e + trap Septum Cooling section Quadrupole Collecto r e-gun BB Detector e + source LEPTA scheme
95 session of Scientific Council 1.“Atomic” physics: e+e- recombination with positronium formation 2. QED test in measurement of para-Positronium (p-Ps) life time 3. Test of CPT theorem, CP and P conservation: 3.1. Rare and forbidden decay channels of o-Ps 3.2. Rare and forbidden decay channels of p-Ps 3.3. Search for circularly polarized photons in p-Ps => 3.4. Measurement of the electron and positron charge difference upper limit 4. QED test in Ps spectroscopy 4.1. Hyperfine structure of Ps ground state 4.2. Spectroscopy of excited states, Lamb shift measurement 5. Search for the Axion 6. o-Ps life time and the hypothesis of “The Mirror Universe" 7. Antihydrogen generation in-flight 8. o-Ps in solid state physics 9. Condensed matter physics research at the LEPTA positron injector 10. Particle beam physics and accelerator technology
95 session of Scientific Council Research programme at LEPTA The PAC heard with interest some aspects of physics with positronium. These included properties of its bound states, experimental limits on P, CP and CPT conservation, and the search for axions. The PAC encourages the development of concrete ideas for future experiments in parallel with the progress of the LEPTA facility.
95 session of Scientific Council Proposal of the new project “Investigation of the nuclear fusion reaction in muonic deuterium and tritium” (Mu-CATALYSIS) The PAC believes that all proposed experiments will yield important new results, which can be obtained only at Dubna using the existing facility and new target technology from Sarov. In particular, at the Phasotron, the d-t fusion experiment carries the promise of elucidating the complicated but important d-μ-t kinetic cycle. With respect to radiative d-d fusion, there is concern that the expected statistics (10 events, 2-3 background) may be too marginal. Therefore, this experiment should be started as a feasibility test, e.g. using the p-t fusion channel as a gamma source. Recommendation - approval of the Mu-CATALYSIS project with high priority, under the above proviso for radiative d-d fusion.
95 session of Scientific Council
Scientific programme The activities at the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, comprise three themes of research: – “Investigation of Fundamental Interactions in Nuclei at Low Energies” – “Nucleus and Particle Interactions at Intermediate Energies” – “Improvement and Development of the JINR Phasotron for Fundamental and Applied Research”. The PAC was impressed by the diversity of topical projects on neutrino physics (NEMO, TGV, GENIUS, GEMMA, etc.), particle physics (PIBETA, ANKE COSY, CATALYSIS, ANCOR, DUBTO, MUON, etc.) and accelerator developments. Recommendation - extension of the activities within these themes with first priority until the end of 2006.
95 session of Scientific Council THEORETICAL PHYSICS Scientific Programme The main results obtained at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics within the theme “Theory of Nuclei and Other Finite Systems” during the period 1999–2003. The high quality of the research on nuclear structure under extreme conditions, dynamics and manifestation of structure in nuclear and mesoscopic systems, few-body physics, and relativistic nuclear dynamics is recognized. An important aspect of this work is the direct support to JINR experimental activities. Close contacts and cooperation with the University Centre are also highly appreciated. The quality, knowledge, and experience of the research staff as well as the trends in the age structure of the BLTP groups give a good basis for successful continuation of these investigations. Recommendation - extension of the theme“Theory of Nuclei and Other Finite Systems” with first priority until the end of 2008.
95 session of Scientific Council SCIENTIFIC REPORTS The PAC heard with enthusiasm the report “Quantum optics with UCN: recent experimental results and perspectives” by A. Frank. Recent, impressive results of experiments with ultra-cold neutrons were presented and future experiments were proposed. The PAC heard with interest the report “Pulsed neutron sources for physics research” presented by Yu. Stavisski.
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