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By: Emily Hirsch. Characters  Marty  Shiloh  Judd Travers  Dara Lynn  Becky  Father  Mother  David  Doc Murphy.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Emily Hirsch. Characters  Marty  Shiloh  Judd Travers  Dara Lynn  Becky  Father  Mother  David  Doc Murphy."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Emily Hirsch

2 Characters  Marty  Shiloh  Judd Travers  Dara Lynn  Becky  Father  Mother  David  Doc Murphy

3 Setting  Marty’s house  Judd Travers Trailer  Marty’s Neighborhood  Marty’s backyard  The Woods  Doc Murphy’s House

4 Problem Marty finds a beagle on the road and tries to ignore it by walking away. But the dog follows. Marty decides to take the dog home but not tell his parents. Then he finds out the dog is Judd Travers dog. But Marty doesn’t want to give the dog up to Judd Travers.

5 Solution  Marty decides to keep Shiloh but make him a home in the woods. And take care of him there. He Made the house under a tree so when it rains Shiloh would be dry. He put newspapers on the dirt for Shiloh and put a water bowl out for him. (he got the water from the river)

6 Pictures

7 The End!!!!  I hope you enjoyed my slide!!!!

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