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Dr. Muslim Suardi, MSi., Apt. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Andalas.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Muslim Suardi, MSi., Apt. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Andalas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Muslim Suardi, MSi., Apt. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Andalas

2 Biopharmaceutics The study of the relationship of the physicochemical characteristics and in vitro behavior of the drug and drug product on the delivery of the drug to the body under normal or pathologic conditions.

3 Biopharmaceutics Considerations in Drug Product Design Pharmacodynamic considerations Drug considerations Drug product considerations Patient considerations Manufacturing considerations

4 Pharmacodynamic Considerations - Therapeutic objective - Toxic effects - Adverse reactions

5 Drug Considerations Chemical & physical properties of drug pKa & pH profile Particle size Polymorphism Hygroscopicity Partition coefficient Excipient interaction pH stability profile Solubility

6 Drug Product Consideration Pharmacokinetics of drug BA of drug RoA Desired dose of drug Dosing frequency

7 Patient Consideration Compliance & acceptability of drug product Cost

8 Manufacturing Considerations Cost Availability of raw materials Stability QC

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