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Registered Managers’ Network July 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Registered Managers’ Network July 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Registered Managers’ Network July 2015

2 Welcome Housekeeping Updates since last meeting Today's guest speaker

3 Discussion time

4 Regular Updates  Cambridgeshire County Council: Workforce Development  Care Act elearning  New ASC best practice courses available  Grow Your Own Project  New Manager appointed  CCC Safeguarding Team  Helen Mitchell appointed as the new Adult Safeguarding Training and Development Manager  Heat wave Plan  Revised plans available on  Skills for Care  How CQC use your NMDS data  CQC Seminars for RMs – 17 th September, Cambridge  National Skills Academy  Blog: Achieve an Outstanding rating for recruitment  New People performance management toolkit released


6 What is outstanding?  Review the information  Pick out any themes or changes in practice you think could be adopted.

7 Coffee and Networking  Return at 11.15 am

8 Outcome Focused Practice Lee Mummery Learning and Development Advisor, Workforce Development Team (Adults), CCC

9 Successes!  What has been a positive for you over the last few weeks?  10mins discussion and feedback

10 Ice Skating

11 Next meeting  9.30am – 1pm, 30 th September 2015  Stanton House, Huntingdon  Subject: Healthwatch  Please make note of the further dates in your diary  25 th November: Hemingford Pavilion

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