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An Existential Processual Method An Existential Processual Method for freeing from occupying experiences: Personal Existential Analysis Längle Alfried,

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Presentation on theme: "An Existential Processual Method An Existential Processual Method for freeing from occupying experiences: Personal Existential Analysis Längle Alfried,"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Existential Processual Method An Existential Processual Method for freeing from occupying experiences: Personal Existential Analysis Längle Alfried, M.D., Ph.D. International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Vienna /

2 1. The background [a glimpse on Existential Analysis- Vienna]

3 Aim of Existential Analysis: to help the person to live with inner consent to what he/she is doing

4 Existential Analysis: Process model [Structural model] Power of [Basis of the person existence] PEA PEA [Fundamental ex. Motivations]

5 Process of consent denotes → mobilisation of the “person“

6 2. What is the “person“

7 Being a person means: dialogical exchange with oneself and others [  basic principle of EA]

8 I I Inner world Person Outer world Person stands in continuous inner and outer dialogue

9 Some descriptions of “person“: What is saying “I“ within oneself What is free in the subject  choosing, deciding, feeling responsible

10 Some descriptions of “person“: Autonomous, authentic, pure subjectivity This with what I identify with me Also “self-efficacy”

11 3. Specific power/potential of the “person“

12 Specific potentials of the “person“: 1. to be receptive  An inner world is attainable An autonomous world is approachable

13 Specific potentials of the “person“: 2. to be understanding  Connects new / strange information with own / known

14 Specific potentials of the “person“: 3. to be responsive  Something new, genuine, original comes to the world – corresponding to its demands

15 PERSON to be understanding PERSON to be receptiveto be responsive [The specific potentials of the person seen as a process]

16 Psychological health: When a person is able to realize these potentials  She or he can be present in the actual situation

17 Subjective experience of these potentials: Inner Positioning Impression Expression

18 Hindrance of the personal potentials: 1.Impression: one may be confused, overwhelmed, alienated, hurt, anxious… 2.Inner positioning: one may be confused, exerted, unsure, thrown… 3.Expression: one may be strained, anxious in showing oneself, helpless in realization

19 Hindrances of the personal potentials: Inner Positioning Impression Expression

20 Result: To be oneself in each situation ≠ automatic and natural ≠ succeeding always = endeavour! Failure  psychopathology

21 4. The application

22 Short form: 1.How is it for you? E.g. to live without a relationship… 2. What is your opinion? E.g. about the fact that you life alone? 3. What would you do? E.g. what would you say to a woman who would ask me about that?

23 Psychotherapeutic application: PEA 0: information [Not specific for PEA] Watch: unclear passages Contradictions Missing elements no opinions Attitude of Psychotherapist: cognitive-empathetic

24 PEA 0: Information – What happened? Tasks Description What happened? Stay with facts and description of emotions Minimize opinions, wishes, and explanations Aims Coming to terms with reality, as it really is Relate to real situation Face and deal with rather than avoid facts of existence

25 Impediment of writing: PEA 0: information Teacher: “You cannot write – you will never succeed!” Mother: “Your sister is much better than you in writing. You must read more!”

26 PEA 1 - impression: = analysis of experience “How is it for you?” a)Primary emotion  spontanous feelings b)Impulse  automatic impulse c)Phenomenological content  received message Attitude of Psychotherapist: empathetic

27 Impediment of writing: a)Primary emotion  tense like in test-situation; fear of failure b)Impulse  run away c)Phenomenological content  devaluation: lack of intelligence – senseless to try to get it; no respect for you!

28 PEA 2 – inner positioning: = integration & finding the own “What do you make of it?” a)Understanding  combining the new with the old b)Emotional/sensed Evaluation  moral conscience c)Cognitive Evaluation  taking a stand d)Finding One’s Will  active decision – basis for activity Attitude of Psychotherapist: confronting

29 Understanding Self-Understanding –Why does it hurt/shatter/irritate? –Do you recognize the values which were hurt? Understanding the Other –Necessary for dialogical existence –Necessary to restore trust in the world and in the Mitwelt –Gives orientation for being together Clarify What is Not Understood

30 Emotional Evaluation The personally sensed evaluation invokes moral conscience – personal moral conscience, not extension of religious or societal conscience Do you have the feeling that it was OK, right, correct? Did it do justice to you? Have you been seen? Did you do justice to the other?

31 Cognitive Evaluation Cognitive, conscious position Integration of knowledge and sensations in order to inform cognitive judgments What do I think about (my mother)? How do I judge the other person’s behavior?

32 Finding One’s Will What is moving? What is the direction of the movement? Does something need to be done?

33 Impediment of writing: a)understanding  teacher was bad looking, unsightly b)moral conscience  was not correct; I am fairly good c)taking a stand  she had a problem with me because I was so pretty d)finding one’s will  start writing

34 PEA 3 - expression: = filters & active answer “What will you do?” a)What?  shame b)To whom?  be reasonable c)When?  occasion d)How?  means & modalities Attitude of Psychotherapist: supportive

35 Impediment of writing: a)What?  plan of paper b)To whom?  for herself c)When?  now d)How?  in rebellion against teacher…

36 Indication:  Finding oneself: a)emotionally b)cognitively c)in one’s action/behaviour

37 5.) Synopsis

38 Deep evaluation understanding taking position of persons will understanding accomodate of content to reality Psychodynamicsaction

39 moral conscience generally understanding ? taking position the other concretely oneself will what message to whom impulse when primary emotion how

40 DESCRIPTION (PEA 0) Feeling What do I feel? Impulse What am I moved to do ? Phenomenal content What does this tell me? The received PEA 1 Understanding Primary emotion Conscience Deepest sense of accordance; Integrated Emotion; “Bottom of my heart” sense Adaptation According with the expected reaction Self-acceptance 1. FM Can I be? 2. FM Do I like to live? 3. FM Can I respect myself? 4. FM Where does it lead to? PEA 2 PEA 3 Personal (Specific) Positioning Receptivity/Impression Expression Understanding/Inner Positioning General Cognitive Positioning INFORMATION U 1 U 2 Do I understand the other? U 3 Do I understand myself? What moves me? What don‘t I understand? What do you think such a behavior and person? What do I personally say to that?, or what do I personally think about this person? Will Content of expression What would I really like to do? F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 Means / modality How and by what means is the best way? Filter Modesty: What can I do here and now? How much do I want to reveal? Reason To whom? Does it fit with these people? Time When? – At which opportunity? PEA Summary Abstract Connects with knowledge and experience

41 PEA Summary PEA-3 What happened, really? Primary Emotion: What do I feel? Impulse: What am I moved to do? Phenomenological Content: What does this tell me? Self-Understanding: Why does this move me? Other-Understanding: What can I understand about the other? What do I not understand? Emotional Evaluation/ Personal Moral Conscience/: In the bottom of my heart, was this right? …to me? …to the other? Have I, has s/he, been seen? Has it been just? General Cognitive Positioning: What do I think about a person who…? Abstract Connects with knowledge and experience Personal Positioning: What do I personally say about this situation, about this person/s behaviour? Personal Discerning My Will: What would I really like to do? What needs to be done? What: What do I decide to do? To Whom: Is there somebody I need to address? When: When is it possible/ appropriate? How: How will I do this? What preparation is needed? DESCRIPTION PEA 0 RECEPTIVITY RESPONSIVENESS UNDERSTANDING POSITION IMPRESSION EXPRESSION PEA-1 PEA-2 SELF-DISTANCE SELF-TRANSCENDENCE SELF-ACCEPTANCE FM! 1: I am here. Can I be? FM! 2: I am alive. Do I like to be? FM! 3: I am me. Can I be me? FM! 4: What am I here for?

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