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Today you will need: Evidence of Evolution sheet, Bellwork Sheet, Something to write with and your Journal Bellwork for today: If you have Vocabulary Extra.

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Presentation on theme: "Today you will need: Evidence of Evolution sheet, Bellwork Sheet, Something to write with and your Journal Bellwork for today: If you have Vocabulary Extra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today you will need: Evidence of Evolution sheet, Bellwork Sheet, Something to write with and your Journal Bellwork for today: If you have Vocabulary Extra Credit, Turn it in! Hey Ninjas…it’s finally Monday! You and your partner will have 5 minutes to arrange the cards at your table in the “most logical order”. There is no right way to do this but you will have to justify the order. On your Bellwork Sheet: Explain what info you used to arrange the cards. What did you look for?

2 We will use the “Evidence of Evolution” sheet for notes today. Essential Question: What evidence supports the theory of evolution?

3 Before we get started… Common misconceptions… Evolution-a monkey did NOT become a human Fitness-is NOT how strong or in shape you are

4 Take a few minutes and copy this word map into your notes. Evidence of Evolution Fossil Record Embryonic Molecular Anatomical Homologies Biogeography

5 Biologists use evidence from three major areas to support the theory of evolution. We will be discussing three of these today, homologies and biogeography.

6 1. Biogeography: study of the geographical distribution of plants and animals *Related Species tend to be geographically close to one another (Ex. Galapagos) *Plate tectonics/continental drift



9 The word Homologies refers to similarities among organisms (remember…homo = same) There are three types of homologies that provide strong evidence for evolution and common ancestry

10 1. Molecular Homologies: similarities in DNA sequences among different organisms Because organisms evolved from a common ancestor, we find similarities in the DNA sequence of all living organisms. The more of a DNA match we see, the closer of a relationship the organisms have.




14 Examine these pictures closely. What do you notice?

15 2. Developmental Homologies: Different organisms develop from similar starting forms (embryos)

16 3. Anatomical Homologies: bones and muscles of different species that have similar structures but perform different functions



19 Fossil Record Fossil: The evidence in rock of the presence of a plant or an animal from an earlier geological period *further down = older (usually) *carbon-14 dating can help determine age *transitional fossils can show evolutionary changes *incomplete

20 The picture to the right shows a series of major Biological Events that have taken place over the last 488 Million Years! Biologists were able to piece these events together based on evidence collected from fossils. Take notice of the extinctions. What happened immediately after each one?

21 Types of Fossils

22 How Fossils form


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