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Clouds Types and Weather. Cloud Formation Formed when air is cooled and condensation occurs.

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Presentation on theme: "Clouds Types and Weather. Cloud Formation Formed when air is cooled and condensation occurs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clouds Types and Weather

2 Cloud Formation Formed when air is cooled and condensation occurs

3 Cloud Types

4 Cumulus (heap) Description – Puffy, piled up Altitude – Low or middle Weather Predicted – Nice, sunny weather


6 Stratus (layered) Description – Light gray, covers sky, puffy, layered Altitude – Low Weather Predicted – Hazy and sometimes drizzly


8 Nimbostratus (rain, layered) Description – Flattened with layers, very dark gray, covers sky Altitude – Low Weather Predicted – Long, hard rains


10 Altocumulus (high, heap) Description – Layers of cotton balls, puffy Altitude – Middle to high Weather Predicted – May bring rain or snow – On a warm day, thunderstorms later


12 Cirrus (curl) Description – Wispy, curly, thin Altitude – High Weather Predicted – Nice at first, signal a change in the weather


14 Cirrocumulus (thin, heap) Description – Small layered puffs, fish scales Altitude – High Weather Predicted – Usually seen during winter – Fair but cold weather


16 Cumulonimbus (heap, rain) Description – Anvil shaped, thunderhead Altitude – Low to high Weather Predicted – Thunderstorms and severe weather, sometimes tornadoes


18 Cloud Type Concept Check!


20 cumulonimbus


22 cirrus


24 altocumulus


26 cumulus


28 nimbostratus


30 stratus


32 cumulonimbus

33 Sequencing – Put in order Water vapor condenses on smoke, dust, salt, and other small particles suspended in the air The relative humidity of the air increases Warm air rises and cools Air eventually becomes saturated Millions of tiny drops of liquid water collect to form a cloud

34 Sequencing – Answer Warm air rises and cools The relative humidity of the air increases Air eventually becomes saturated Water vapor condenses on smoke, dust, salt, and other small particles suspended in the air Millions of tiny drops of liquid water collect to form a cloud

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