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Take Charge of a Platoon PURPOSE Lead the platoon with a clear understanding of your duties,your superior’s expectations, an assessment of the current.

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2 Take Charge of a Platoon

3 PURPOSE Lead the platoon with a clear understanding of your duties,your superior’s expectations, an assessment of the current strengths and weaknesses of your unit and an initial training plan.

4 REFERENCES AR 340-21 AR 600-8-22 AR 165-1 AR 600-8-2 AR 623-205 AR 600-20 AR 600-8-8 AR 623-105 AR 25-400-2 AR 630-10 AR 614-200 AR 635-100 FM 101-5 AR 635-200 AR 220-45 AR 600-9 DOD MANANUAL AR 601-280 4525.6-M VOL II

5 OUTLINE Introduction Purpose Army Regulations Field Manuals DOD Manual Summary Questions Conclusions

6 ARMY PRIVACY PROGRAM AR 340-21 Protect the privacy of individuals Collect only what is legally authorized Keep only timely,accurate,complete,& relevant information Prevent unauthorized use,access,disclosure,alteration,or destruction Let individuals know what records are kept Permit individuals to amend records Allow individuals to ask for an administrative review Maintain only information that is relevant and necessary Act promptly,accurately,and fairly

7 SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE ACTIONS AR 600-8-2 A soldiers status changes from:Favorable/unfavorable Two categories: Transferable,e.g.,Weight Control Program Non-Transferable,e.g.,Court-martial

8 SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM AR 630-10  Assist during reassignment  Assist during family separation  Improve unit control  Support the personnel life-cycle function A peacetime function:

9 ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE (AWOL) DROPPED FROM THE ROLLS (DFR) AR 630-10 AWOL-Absent without proper authority DFR-Absent without proper authority for 30 consecutive days.

10 DISCHARGES AR 635-100 AND AR 635-200  Discharges; Two types:  Voluntarily,e.g., Retirement  Involuntarily,e.g., Overweight

11 Weight Control Program AR 600-9 Ensures Personnel: Are able to meet physical demands of their duties Present a trim appearance Assist in establishing and maintaining:discipline, operational readiness,physical fitness,health and effectiveness. Establish body fat standards Provide assistance in meeting the standards Fosters high standards

12 RETENTION PROGRAM AR 601-280 OBJECTIVES: Reenlist, long-term basis,the greatest number of highly Qualified soldiers consistent with Army needs. Enlist/transfer and assign qualified soldiers into a RC,ARNG/ USAR unit. Achieve and maintain Army force alignment Obtain maximum command involvement

13 AWARDS PROGRAM AR 600-8-22 OBJECTIVE:  Acts of valor  Exceptional service or achievement  Special skills or qualifications  Acts of heroism

14 NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER EVALUATION REPORTING SYSTEM (NCOERS) AR 623-205 PURPOSE: Support the Army’s personnel management program Support the career development of the soldier DESIGNED TO: Identify soldiers best qualified for promotion Identify soldiers best qualified for assignment positions

15 OFFICER EVALUATION REPORTING SYSTEM (OERS) AR 623-105 Largely determines the quality of the officer corps Selects the future Army leaders Course of each officer’s career Supports the Army’s personnel management program

16 ASSIGNMENT AND UTILIZATION POLICY AR 614-200 PRIMARY GOAL: Is to satisfy the personnel requirements of the Army. SECONDARY GOALS: Equalize assignments by assigning the most eligible soldier from among those of like MOS and grade Equalize hardships of military service Ensure assignments allow for professional development and promotion Meet the soldier’s personal desires

17 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FM 101-5 THREE TYPES:  Administrative  Tactical / Field  External Promotes:  Teamwork  Efficiency  Reduces the need for repetitive instructions

18 DUTY ROSTERS AR 220-45 Provides: An equitable determination of duty Maintained: Alphabetical by rank Three authorized Abbreviations:  A: Authorized absence  D: Detailed to perform duty  U: Unauthorized absence

19 MAIL OPERATIONS DOD MANUAL 4525.6-M VOL II ENSURE:  Mail room and staff know how to operate it  Perform daily and weekly inspections  Prepare SOP  Convenient mail call ours Mail has a big influence on morale especially during wartime.

20 RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AR 165-1 and AR 600-20 POLICY: Approve requests for accommodating religious practices that will not adversely impact on: Military readiness Unit cohesion Standards Health Safety Discipline Interfere with the performance of duties Cannot Be Guaranteed

21 MAINTANANCE OF RECORDS AR 25-400-2 PURPOSE:  Properly manage information from creation through final disposition according to laws and regulation  Ensures information is available when needed  Provides for a systematic removal of less active records from office space  Records support the interests of soldiers during and after their period of service  Basis for pay and awards

22 SUMMARY Taking charge involves team work.The best advice is to be prepared- take the time to learn about your job,your organization,the personnel,and your command. Knowing what to do and what will be expected of you is the first step towards success.


24 CONCLUSION You will be assigned to a platoon or section.Ensure you are aware of the importance of the company command team and the importance of the leadership role which you play in that command team.How you interact with the other organizational leadership and the chain of command is critical to the success of the unit knowing your role and what you need to do to prepare to assume your role will make it much easier to accomplish your role.

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