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Codes and Legislation for Sprinkler Mandates Copenhagen, Denmark June 25, 2008 John Galt, CAE CASA, President.

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Presentation on theme: "Codes and Legislation for Sprinkler Mandates Copenhagen, Denmark June 25, 2008 John Galt, CAE CASA, President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Codes and Legislation for Sprinkler Mandates Copenhagen, Denmark June 25, 2008 John Galt, CAE CASA, President

2 “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford

3 CANADA Ontario Toronto Population : 33,000,000

4 ONTARIO Toronto 4,883,800 Toronto Ontario 11,897,600 Population 314 high rise condominiums or apartments in GTA 23,000 dwelling units GTA

5 January 16, 2008 Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty speaking about residential sprinklers states: “ I think the fact is, that we’re a bit of a laggard in that regard, in comparison to the rest of Canada. It is time for us to ensure that we are doing more.”

6 Aside from just being positive, what was it that the industry did to cause this turnaround?

7 STRATEGY 1.Action Plan Follow each residential fire Written response to every loss of life or serious injury – press release Priority 1 – speak to media when requested Have video footage available – of sprinkler activations Identify opponents and their position and share with media

8 STRATEGY 2.Build a Coalition Fire service Insurance Industry Healthcare Municipalities / building officials Politicians Public / public housing authorities / seniors / victims Safety Associations

9 STRATEGY 3.Build Relationship with Media Find journalists who are sympathetic to sprinkler position Meet with local television producers and news editors Post footage of positive news casts on web site

10 STRATEGY 4.Develop Public Education Materials Build industry consensus around language / statistics / case studies All materials should be available electronically / DVD / CD-Rom / You- Tube

11 STRATEGY 5.Do Your Homework Be prepared with facts and figures on manpower - installation/design/inspection Have training available for: building departments/fire departments/insurance Educate other trades on working with sprinkler trade - job scheduling Address apprenticeship training/ recruitment/labour regulations

12 STRATEGY 6.Develop “Sample” legislation and code language Save government resources by having industry consensus language written Involve governmental staff in the writing process / no “kinks in the armour” Include where appropriate statistics on potential job creation and other public safety benefits

13 STRATEGY 1.Action Plan 2.Build a Coalition 3.Build Relationships with Media 4.Develop Public Education Materials 5.Do Your Homework 6.Develop “Sample” Legislation and Code Language

14 “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford

15 Codes and Legislation for Sprinkler Mandates Copenhagen, Denmark June 25, 2008 John Galt, CAE CASA, President

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