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Mealtimes with the Messiah #2 Dinner with Sinners (Mark 2:13-17)

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1 Mealtimes with the Messiah #2 Dinner with Sinners (Mark 2:13-17)

2 Mealtimes with the Messiah #2 Dinner with Sinners Mark 2:13-17 Levi Jewish Tax-collector for the Romans: traitor Corrupt (Luke 3:12-13) Hated But Jesus wants him! Past life didn’t matter His call is the same today: “follow me” Levi left everything to follow Jesus (Luke 5:28) Pharisees But they are “sinners”! Clean yourself up, then come. Leads to pride or despair. Jesus: the spiritual physician

3 Mealtimes with the Messiah #2 Dinner with Sinners Mark 2:13-17 Evangelism is... Telling people about the power of the Holy Spirit...and leaving the results to God 2 observations: #1 Jesus attracted the underprivileged Do we? #2 Jesus went to them Do we? John Owen...the main way we show the gospel grace of love Levi = Matthew! Apostle Gospel-writer Transformed by Jesus!

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