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Edward Randolph Director, Energy Division California Public Utilities Commission September 30, 2015 2015 IEP Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Edward Randolph Director, Energy Division California Public Utilities Commission September 30, 2015 2015 IEP Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edward Randolph Director, Energy Division California Public Utilities Commission September 30, 2015 2015 IEP Conference

2 Current SilosLTTPRA 2 RPS Customer Generation EE Electric Vehicles Distribution Resource Plan Interconnection reform GHG costs Demand response TOU Rates Storage

3 Where We are Now 3

4 Where we need to go 4 SectorMetric Business-As- Usual 2030 Needed to Meet 2030 Buildings and Industry Electric EEGWh saved relative to 20142759 Natural Gas EEMillion therms saved relative to 2014960680 Behind-the-meter PVMegawatts6,71011,800 DR, Flexible Loads MW of load reductions2,1809,210 As % of system peak4%16% H 2 ElectrolysisMW (assuming 25% load factor)3309,210 Electricity Renewables GWh of energyTBD % of retail sales33%50% Storage MW3,750 Transportation Zero-emission vehicles % of light-duty fleet9%22% % of med-duty fleet0%5% % of heavy-duty fleet0%5% Liquid biofuels% of transportation energy4%22%

5 Where We Need to Go 5

6 Thank you!

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