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A Crisis in Politics. Second Two Party System Democrats v. Whigs, 1836-1850 Democrats Tradition Learn from past Opposed banks Opposed state- legislated.

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Presentation on theme: "A Crisis in Politics. Second Two Party System Democrats v. Whigs, 1836-1850 Democrats Tradition Learn from past Opposed banks Opposed state- legislated."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Crisis in Politics

2 Second Two Party System Democrats v. Whigs, 1836-1850 Democrats Tradition Learn from past Opposed banks Opposed state- legislated reform Freedom of choice Rural independence Right to own slaves Rapid territorial expansion Favored in the South Whigs Modernization Look to future Use govt. to promote economic growth Advocated reforms Favored industry & urban growth Gradual territorial expansion Favored in the North

3 Mid-19 th Century Political Crisis Political Party Year Formed Ideals – Beliefs – GoalsLeaders Democrats1790s Tradition; Learn from past; Freedom of choice; Rural independence; Right to own slaves; Rapid territorial expansion Favored in the South; Pierce; Polk; Buchanan Whig1834Northern “conscience”; Southern “cotton” Split over Fugitive Slave Act Millard Filmore Know- nothing 1849Nativism; anti-Catholic; longer for naturalization; split over issue of slavery Middle class protestants; long time Whigs and Dems Free Soil1848 Opposed to extension of slavery; not necessarily abolitionists; - felt extension of slavery threatened white workers Fiercely anti- slavery Republican1854Opposed to extension of slavery; embraced wide variety of opinions Free Soilers; Northern Dems; Whigs; abolitionists; N & W reformers; commercial farmers; manufacturers; etc

4 The Election of 1860

5 And the candidates are…

6 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Republican Party “I will not abolish slavery where it already exists, but we must not let the practice spread. I am opposed to allowing slavery in the new territories.”

7 Stephen Douglas Stephen Douglas Northern Democrats Adhered to the theory of “popular sovereignty” when it came to the issue of slavery.

8 John C. Breckenridge John C. Breckenridge Southern Democrats Committed to expanding slavery and federal protection of slavery in the territories.

9 John Bell John Bell Constitutional Union Party Slave-owning Tennessee native who lead the newly formed political party dedicated to keeping the country united. Party made up of Whigs and Know-nothings hoping to heal the split between N. and S.

10 Basically… the Democrats were split between three candidates. It was doubtful that any of them could win considering that the winning candidate needed at least 152 electoral votes.

11 HUH!?! Electoral Whats!?!

12 The Electoral College Each state gets a set amount of electoral votes in the presidential election The number of votes a state gets is determined by taking the number of representatives they have in the House and adding two. When the election takes place, the people of a state vote, and whichever way they vote determines the candidate the state’s electoral votes will go toward.

13 2008 Electoral College Map

14 Electoral College Map Election of 1860

15 Statistical Results of Election of 1860 Candidate Popular votes % of Popular Vote Electoral Votes Abraham Lincoln 1,766,45240%180 Stephen Douglas 1,376,95729%12 John C. Breckenridge 849,78118%72 John Bell 588,78913%39

16 How many electoral votes will the candidate have to get to win the 2012 election? 270!

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