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1.Initial setting time of cement:  40 to 60min  30 to 60min  15 to 60min  35 to 60min.

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2 1.Initial setting time of cement:  40 to 60min  30 to 60min  15 to 60min  35 to 60min

3  2. Role of GYPSM in cement is  a) Control initial setting time  b) Increase the strength  c) Increase the durability  d) Reduce crack

4  3. Maximum size of aggregate for general R.C.C works A. 20mm B. 40mm C. 50mm D. 60mm

5  4. The test is used to detect presence of uncombined lime in cement A. Fineness B. Soundness C. Setting time D. Compressive strength

6  5. Soundness test is performed with the help of A. Le-chatelier apparatus B. Autoclave test C. Vicat’s needle D. Normal consistency

7  6. Compressive strength at the end of 3days should not be less than A. 11.5 N/ B. 12.5 N/ C. 17.5 N/ D. 18.5 N/

8  7. Crushing strength of good concrete aggregate should be A. Maximum B. Minimum C. Average D. None of the above

9  8. Weight of a single cement bag is A. 30 kg B. 40 kg C. 50 kg D. 60 kg

10  9. The slump value of ordinary R.C.C works for beams and slabs is A. 20 to 30mm B. 50 to 100mm C. 75 to 150mm D. 12 to 25mm

11  10. Factor affecting workability of concrete: A. Water in the mix B. Maximum size of particle C. Ratio of coarse and fine aggregate D. All the above

12  11. The size of coarse aggregate decreases, workability of concrete A. Decrease B. Increase C. Doesn’t a matter D. None of the above

13  12. Height of the slump cone is A. 10cm B. 20cm C. 30cm D. 40cm

14  13. Specific gravity of cement A. 2.15 B. 1 C. 1.5 D. 3.15

15  14. The curing period of an ordinary Portland cement is A. 3 to 7 days B. 7 to 14days C. 14 to 21 days D. None of the above

16  15. The entrained air in concrete A. Increase workability B. Decrease workability C. Increase strength D. None of the above

17  16. Workability of concrete can be improved by A. More sand B. More cement C. More fine aggregate D. Fineness of coarse aggregate

18  17. Workability of concrete can be improved by adding A. Iron B. Sodium C. Zinc D. Sulphur

19  18. After casting, an ordinary cement concrete on drying A. Shrinks B. Expands C. Remains unchanged D. Can expand or shrink

20  19. Strength of concrete is directly proportional to A. Cement water ratio B. Water cement ratio C. Sand cement ratio D. Water aggregate ratio

21  20. The poison ratio for concrete ranges between A. 0.10 and 0.15 B. 0.15 and 0.25 C. 0.25 and 0.30 D. 0.30 and 0.35

22  21. Slump test is a measure of A. Tensile strength B. Compressive strength C. Impact value D. Consistency

23  22. Durability of concrete is affected by A. Cider B. Vinegar C. Alcohol D. Both (a) and (b)

24  23. Light weight concrete is used in A. Heat resistance B. Air conditioning of building C. Non load bearing wall D. Reducing thickness

25  24. ISI specified full strength of concrete after A. 7days B. 15days C. 21days D. 28days

26  25. High temperature A. Increase the strength of concrete B. Decrease the strength of concrete C. No effect on the strength of concrete D. Low effect on the strength of concrete

27  26. Early strength of cement is caused by A. Tri calcium silicate B. Di calcium silicate C. Tri calcium aluminate D. Gypsum

28  27. Three main raw material used for Portland cement as A. Lime stone, sandstone clay B. Lime, silica and clay C. Lime, clay and gypsum D. Silica, alumina, gypsum

29  28. When water is added to cement A. Heat is generated B. Heat is absorbed C. Chemical reaction is started D. Impurities are washed out

30  29. White cement is produced in A. Flyash kiln B. Coal kiln C. Oil fired kiln D. Electrical form kiln

31 30.If cement is very fine, then A. More is the surface area B. More is the separation of water at top of concrete C. The reaction with water gets retarded D. Less shrinkage and cracking of concrete

32  31. Percentage void ration of cement is A. 50 B. 40 C. 30 D. 20

33  32. Specific gravity of portland cement is A. 3.50 B. 3.30 C. 3.15 D. 3.00

34  33. Vicat’s apparatus is used for A. Fineness test B. Consistency test C. Soundness test D. Final setting time

35  34. Gypsum contain A. Carbon dioxide and calcium B. Water and calcium suphate C. Hydrogen sulphide and calcium D. Lime

36  35. Percentage of gypsum added in cement is A. 0.25 B. 1 C. 2 D. 8

37  36. Bulking of aggregate is due to A. Moisture content B. Absorbed water C. Voids D. Less compaction

38  37. Maximum bulking factor of sand is A. 1.00 B. 1.10 C. 1.2 D. 1.4

39  38. Increase in fineness modulus of aggregate indicates A. Finer grading B. Irregular grading C. Gap grading D. None of these

40  39. Loss angeles machine is used to test aggregate for A. Crushing strength B. Abrasion resistance C. Water absorption D. None of these

41  40. Factor safety of concrete is based on its A. Yield stress B. Ultimate stress C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these

42  41. The portion of brick cut across its width A. Bat B. Half brick C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these

43  42. pH value of water for quality concrete shall not be less than A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 12

44  43. Workability of cement concrete is more for A. Big size aggregate B. Round shape aggregate C. Properly graded aggregate D. All of these

45  44. Bulk density of aggregate is expressed as A. Kg/litre B. Kg/m 3 C. T/ m 3 D. None of these

46 45.Which of the following is not a mortar? A. Lime mortar B. Surki mortar C. Surki sand mortar D. Fire resistance mortar

47  46. Segregation means separation of A. Water from aggregates and cement B. Fine aggregate from coarse aggregate C. Cement paste from coarse aggregate D. All of these

48  47. Admixture in ordinary concrete is A. Expoxy resin B. Fly ash C. CaO D. Quartzite

49  48. Normal curing period of lime mortar is A. 3days B. 7days C. 10days D. 14days

50  49. Compacting factor test of cement concrete determines its A. Strength B. Porosity C. Degree of compacting under loads D. Workability

51  50. Sand in mortar is needed for A. Decreasing the quantity of cement B. Reducing shrinkage C. Increasing the strength D. All of these

52  51. Curing of concrete at high temperature results in A. Increase in ultimate strength B. Cracking of concrete C. Decrease in ultimate strength D. Early development of ultimate strength

53  52. A good aggregate should be A. Colored B. Hard and durable C. Strong and chemically inert D. All of these

54  53. Unit weight of cement in kg/ m 3 A. 1600 B. 2000 C. 2400 D. 2500

55  54. Percentage of gypsum added in cement is A. 0.25 B. 1 C. 2 D. 8

56  55. Gypsum is a A. Slow setting material B. Quick setting material C. Setting agent D. Heat resisting material

57  56. If sea water is used for preparing concrete, it A. Will cause efflorescence B. May corrode the reinforcement C. Will cause dampness D. All of these

58  57. Presence of entrained air in air results in A. Reduced bleeding B. Lower density C. Decreased strength at all gases D. All of these

59  58. Expansion joints are provided if length of the concrete exceeds A. 20m B. 45m C. 60m D. 75m

60  59. Workability can be measured by A. K-slump tester B. Compaction factor test C. Vee-Bee test D. All of these

61  60. Size of fine aggregate should not exceed A. 2.75mm B. 3.75mm C. 4.75mm D. 5.75mm


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