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Welcome to Year 3 Teacher: Miss Kerr. In Year 3 Dojo points Class minions Lead Learners Choir Walk, Jog, Run, Sprint.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Teacher: Miss Kerr. In Year 3 Dojo points Class minions Lead Learners Choir Walk, Jog, Run, Sprint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Teacher: Miss Kerr

2 In Year 3 Dojo points Class minions Lead Learners Choir Walk, Jog, Run, Sprint

3 Example Timetable

4 Numeracy Topics: * Number and place value * Calculations +, -, x, ÷ * Fractions * Geometry * Measuresurement Weekly times table challenge

5 Literacy Range of texts and genres: * Fiction * Non-fiction * Poetry Big Writing Guided reading Handwriting

6 Other Topics Science- Rocks, Forces and Magnets, Light, Animals including humans, Plants History/ Geography- Romans, Local Area of Longwick, Rainforest, Stone Age to the Iron Age Art/ DT – Making muffins and purses, Roman mosaics, Sketches, Sculptures ICT RE Music PSHE

7 PE Children require full PE kit each week. * Jade T-shirt with school logo * Navy blue shorts * Plimsolls or trainers * Navy jogging bottoms and jumper (not essential but useful when the weather is cold!) All items of kit need to be named. Children will not be able to borrow kit

8 Home Learning Daily: Reading – 15-20 minutes Weekly: Spellings – Tuesday to Tuesday Home learning given out every Thursday to be handed in every Tuesday – home learning grid

9 Home Learning Grid

10 Snacks and water bottles A fruit snack may be brought into school to be eaten during break time. A bottle of water may be kept in the classroom. Please ensure these are named, to avoid confusion.

11 What you can do Please make sure PE kit, snack pots, water bottles and all uniform is named Read with your child each night Make sure your child completes a piece of home each week and hands it in on Tuesday

12 Any questions?

13 Coming into School… In the morning you will come onto the playground via the gate. When the bell goes the children line up in their classes. They will then be taken into school by their teacher. If you are late (after 8:50) the side door is likely to be closed and locked, please make sure your child is signed in at the office.

14 … and Going Home Again! At the end of the day the children will collect their belongings and come out through their classroom door onto the playground with their teacher. They will need to point out who is collecting them before they are allowed to go. Please ensure your child knows who is collecting them. Please let the teacher know, by a quick note or by catching them on the playground, if a different person is picking up your child.

15 And Finally… Are there any questions? I look forward to seeing you in September!

16 What is special about Year 3 at Longwick? Call to worship Swimming Trips Maypole dancing Choir Lunchtime

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