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Harmful algal bloom (HAB)-on-a-chip: Development of a microfluidic platform to study algal chemotaxis Kelly O’Quinn Dr. Adam Melvin Cain Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "Harmful algal bloom (HAB)-on-a-chip: Development of a microfluidic platform to study algal chemotaxis Kelly O’Quinn Dr. Adam Melvin Cain Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmful algal bloom (HAB)-on-a-chip: Development of a microfluidic platform to study algal chemotaxis Kelly O’Quinn Dr. Adam Melvin Cain Department of Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University

2 Harmful Algal Blooms Overabundance of algae Problems Reproduction and
Karenia brevis Problems Ecosystem Economy Health Reproduction and Migration

3 Migration of Algae Phototaxis: upward migration toward light during day Chemotaxis: downward migration toward nutrients at night

4 Heterogeneous Environments
Algae migrate in response to many factors Concentrations not constant throughout system

5 Developing a New Technology
Microfluidic devices Precise control of fluids Laminar flow: diffusion-based mixing Dynamic control Past research Homogeneous tanks Other microfluidic devices

6 Design and Fabricate the Device
Design in AutoCAD Soft lithography Master PDMS replication

7 Fabrication Spin coat photoresist onto wafer
Place photomask onto wafer then UV expose then bake Cross-linked polymers stay and non cross- linked dissolve in solution

8 Device Assembly Layers Tubes Options for adhering layers PDMS Agarose
Glass slide Tubes Options for adhering layers Silanes Thiol-ene resin Plexiglas box Negative pressure Shing-Yi Cheng, Steven Heilman, Max Wasserman, Shivaun Archer, Michael L. Shuler and Mingming Wu, “A hydrogel-based microfluidic device for the studies of directed cell migration,” Lab Chip, 2007, 7,

9 Characterize the Device
Ensure stable, well-controlled gradients formed Fluorescent tracers ImageJ line scan COMSOL models

10 Implement the Device for Studying Algae Migration
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Unicellular, survives in many environments Load both channels Allow gradient to develop Load cells into center, flow-free channel

11 Gathering and Analyzing Results
Chemotactic Index Vector assigning Design of Experiment (DOE) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

12 Future Applications Better understanding of algae migration
Most prominent factors causing blooms Developing new technology Future collaborations with other labs

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