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College Algebra & Trigonometry Asian College of Aeronautics AVT 1.

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Presentation on theme: "College Algebra & Trigonometry Asian College of Aeronautics AVT 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Algebra & Trigonometry Asian College of Aeronautics AVT 1

2 POLYNOMIALS ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONA combination of symbols related by four fundamental operations of algebra. CONSTANTIs a symbol that assumes one specific value. VARIABLEIs a symbol that assumes many values. TERMIs an expression separated by plus or minus sign. MONOMIALIs an expression consist of one term.

3 POLYNOMIALS MULTINOMIALIs an algebraic expression consisting of a sum of any number of terms. POLYNOMIALIs an algebraic expression consisting of a sum of finite number of monomials wherein each term is considered an Integral Rational Term (IRT). INTEGRAL RATIONAL TERM Is an algebraic term whose factors are real numbers an has a variable with a non-negative integral power. BINOMIALIs a polynomial consisting exactly two terms. 2x-y, 3y+2 TRINOMIALIs a polynomial consisting of exactly three terms.

4 ADDITION OF POLYNOMIALS To add two or more polynomials with the same variable, add only their numerical coefficients. To add two or more polynomials, add similar terms together. Add:

5 SUBTRACTION OF POLYNOMIALS To subtract two similar polynomials, change first the sign of the subtrahend and follow the rules in addition of polynomials. Subtract:

6 MULTIPLICATION OF POLYNOMIALS To multiply polynomials follow th e law of signs for multiplication. Multiply:

7 DIVISION OF POLYNOMIALS To divide polynomials follow the rules of exponents law of power of a quotient. Divide:


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