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Think Tank for China. 2 SG Strategic destination – joint, coordinated and structured collaborative approach using the multiple experience and expertise.

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Presentation on theme: "Think Tank for China. 2 SG Strategic destination – joint, coordinated and structured collaborative approach using the multiple experience and expertise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think Tank for China

2 2 SG Strategic destination – joint, coordinated and structured collaborative approach using the multiple experience and expertise of SG members creating synergies for initiating collaborative projects and sustainable networks Rich expertise of invididual members in collaboration with China – ready to share with all members Potential benefits & added value for SG members – gain expertise and access Identification of internal/external experts e.g. UGhent Platform for China, Bavarian Competence Centre for China, BAYCHINA@U Bayreuth, DAAD- Offices, Flemish Representative in China Think Tank for China Context

3 3 encourage joint projects and activities in research, teaching and service; promote initiatives that lead to capacity building in HE on both continents; initiate specific collaborative projects; identify good practice and expertise the driving force leading to joint events and workshops; research programmes and funding schemes that could provide further opportunities for sustainable collaboration; create consulting services on the basis of the expertise of both networks as a free service for its members and fee-based for interested individuals and parties beyond SGroup. Think Tank for China Aims

4 Enhance Expertise Create New Opportunities Collaboration with Chinese Government SGroup Network in China Coaching Service on China Issues Think Tank for China Benefits for members 4

5 5 Learn from each other e.g. Summer School Schemes such as the one of U Le Havre, 25 years of strategic interdisciplinary collaboratoin of U Gothenburg and NTNU in the Nordic Centre with Fudan U in Shanghai, Double and Joint Degrees in different disciplines of SG members such as NTNU, UBayreuth and others; Use contact points e.g. offices of UGhent, BAYCHINA and DAAD in Beijing and of U Bayreuth and DAAD in Shanghai and representatives of other SG partners; Learn from internal/external experts e.g. leadership, academics and management of SG members; Learn from Chinese Partners e.g. Strategic Partners of SGroup members about 211 Universities. Think Tank for China How can SGroup capitalise on existing expertise?

6 Enhance Expertise Create New Opportunities Collaboration with Chinese Government SGroup Network in China Coaching Service on China Issues 6 Think Tank for China Benefits for members

7 Research Collaborations Summer/Science Schools Double/Joint Degrees Mobility Schemes for PhDs International/EU Projects 7 Think Tank for China Areas of collaboration

8 Enhance Expertise Create New Opportunities Collaboration with Chinese Government SGroup Network in China Coaching Service on China Issues 8 Think Tank for China Benefits for members

9 SGroup Including activities of SG members CEAIE Mobility and Accreditation of Joint Programmes CSC Scholarships and Exchange Collaboration 211 Universities Partners shared by SG members Experts U Ghent Platform, BAYCHINA DAAD 9 Think Tank for China

10 Enhance Expertise Create New Opportunities Collaboration with Chinese Government SGroup Network in China Coaching Service on China Issues Think Tank for China Benefits for members

11 Research Academic mobility Teaching Strategic Partnerships SGroup member universities Research Centres Experts U Ghent Platform for China BAYCHINA DAAD Governmental Organisations CSC CEAIE Chinese partner universities (‘shared by’ SG members) Research Centres (CAS) 11 Think Tank for China How it feeds into Sgroup‘s Strategy?

12 Enhance Expertise Create New Opportunities Collaboration with Chinese Government SGroup Network in China Coaching Service on China Issues 12 Think Tank for China Benefits for members

13 . 13 Member’s project ideas/challenges → → → → → → Think Tank for China → → → ↓↑ External Expertise ↔ Visa and Residence Issues Summer/Science Schools ↓↑ Internal Expertise ↔ Double/Joint Degrees, Cotutelle International/EU projects with China Think Tank for China

14 TT4C‘s Three Initial Calls for Action 14 Take the kick-off message of the TT4C back to your institution and find the right experts among your researchers and administrators to connect us to! Request I Provide us with data of your universities‘ activities with China! Request II Consider becoming a member of the TT4C or encouraging a person of your university with experience in working with China who is interested to collaborate with us and who is committed to join a dynamic project! Request III SGroup’s THINK TANK For CHINA

15 15 Establish a task force and develop a strategic plan for structured outreach - join us! Identify topics for collaboration, experts and potential partners for Sgroup - name it! Collect and analyse data of SG member‘s activities with China – support us! Make data available to members and communicate them @ your institution Think Tank for China Action Plan

16 16 CONTACT Dr. Arnim Heinemann Head of International Relations Office University of Bayreuth Think Tank for China

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