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Writing about your Artefact. 1J.Byrne 2015. 1. Title Page 2. Abstract 3. Table of Contents 4. List of Figures / Tables 5. Introduction 6. Methods 9. Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing about your Artefact. 1J.Byrne 2015. 1. Title Page 2. Abstract 3. Table of Contents 4. List of Figures / Tables 5. Introduction 6. Methods 9. Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing about your Artefact. 1J.Byrne 2015

2 1. Title Page 2. Abstract 3. Table of Contents 4. List of Figures / Tables 5. Introduction 6. Methods 9. Results 10. Discussion 11. Conclusion 12. Recommendations further work 13. Acknowledgements 14. References 15. Appendices 2J.Byrne 2015

3 1. Title Page 2. Table of Contents 3. List of Figures / Tables 4. Introduction 5. Context & Rational: 6. Research: 7. Methodology: PART 1 8. Methodology: PART 2 9. Sketches/ CAD drawings 10. Cutting lists 11. Time charts 12. References 13. Appendices 3J.Byrne 2015

4  Compile portfolio and presentation using software applications.  Report must be typed, and glue bound including Title Page.  Produce a written Portfolio approximately 10,000 words.  Portfolio should include a contents page, all headings listed in brief, reference page and appendix. 4J.Byrne 2015

5  Produce drawings and or sketches as required to be included within the report or attached in the appendix.  Produce a finished cutting list to be included within the report or attached in the appendix.  Approriate diagrams and photoghraphs may be included. All material used, which is not the work of the learner, must be correctly referenced and permission obtained from the copyright holder. 5J.Byrne 2015

6  Title page  Student Name 14 Bold (Centred)  Title of Artefact 14 Bold (Centred)  Word Count 12 Plain (Right aligned bottom of page)  Font styleCalibri  Font sizeHeadings 12 Bold (left aligned)  Text justified12 Plain  Line spacing1.5  Page numberingRight aligned at bottom of page.  Images, graphs & charts should be labelled. 6J.Byrne 2015

7  APA Style: American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style.  In using a system of reference, the main aim is to give your readers the information they need in order to find for themselves all the quotations and references that you have used.  Thus, you must ensure that every reference that you cite in your assignment is included in your References section.  You will find a Resource Pack on Academic Writing & Referencing by Marian Fitzmaurice and Roisin Donnelly on your website. J.Byrne 20157

8  You are constructing an artefact and your written project should detail the following:  Your Artefact : Why did you choose it?  How do you propose making it?  What estimates do you give for manufacturing it?  During construction how you actually made it. (detailed enough for another to reconstruct the same artefact from your instructions. J.Byrne 20158

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