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Energy By Ben Morgan. What is Energy? Energy is something that does not have any mass because it is hardly a ‘thing’ Officially, energy is described as.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy By Ben Morgan. What is Energy? Energy is something that does not have any mass because it is hardly a ‘thing’ Officially, energy is described as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy By Ben Morgan

2 What is Energy? Energy is something that does not have any mass because it is hardly a ‘thing’ Officially, energy is described as a non- material property capable of making changes in matter. Essentially, Energy is the result of particles vibrating or ‘jiggling’.

3 Continued… The ‘jiggling’ causes heat to be generated. Heat then leads to particles moving in different ways and literally changing how a mass acts. This is energy. There are five separate forms of energy:

4 Thermal Energy Also called ‘Heat’. It is the internal energy of a mass. This can be easily measured by finding the temperature of an object. Probably the most obvious form of energy.

5 Chemical Energy It is potential today The potential of a chemical substance to cause changes to another chemical substance It is the energy released from combustion

6 Electrical Energy Potential Energy Energy that can be released by an electrostatic field.

7 Radiant Energy It is the energy of electromagnetic waves. This is across the entire wave spectrum, but we can only see a little bit of this energy. Light generated from our sun arrives as radiant energy

8 Nuclear energy Energy gathered from controlled nuclear reactions Created by nuclear fusion reactions Perhaps the most controvesial, as the used uranium rods are toxic after use Despite this, it is perhaps the safest and cleanest way to gather energy, even over wind power.

9 Types of Energy There are two types of Energy, kinetic and potential Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its motion Potential energy is the energy of an object due to its state or current position

10 Conclusion There are many forms of energy in our universe. Some are easier to obtain than others. All energy in the universe is constant and will not wear down until the last proton decays at the end of the universe This is not including entropy which only works in a closed system. The universe is NOT, never, and in no way a closed system. It’s just not.

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