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Presentation of the results of the questionnaire – Eurokom Association IT Eurokom Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the results of the questionnaire – Eurokom Association IT Eurokom Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the results of the questionnaire – Eurokom Association IT Eurokom Association

2 Student Profile: Personal information Eurokom Association

3 Student profile - Father's qualification Eurokom Association

4 Student profile - Mother's qualification Eurokom Association

5 Student profile - works status father and mother Eurokom Association

6 I use internet at home Eurokom Association

7 I can speak and write a foreign language Eurokom Association

8 I am interested in learning the subjects related to my field Eurokom Association

9 I can find a solution in difficult situations Eurokom Association

10 Take part in cultural and social activities Eurokom Association

11 I like being a member of a team and team work Eurokom Association

12 I visited some enterprises related to my field during my education at school Eurokom Association

13 I think education programmes at school and needs of enterprises cover each other Eurokom Association

14 I had already had some information about my rights in enterprises before going there (such as insurance and salary) Eurokom Association

15 I appreciate the behaviour and teaching methods of the responsible experts in enterprises Eurokom Association

16 New developments and changings are followed at my school Eurokom Association

17 Where would you like to have your enterprise training? Eurokom Association

18 Is there a responsible group who works for the orientation from school to job? Eurokom Association

19 What kind of counselling would be useful for you for the orientation from school to job? Eurokom Association

20 What are the most common problems you face to in enterprises? Eurokom Association opportunity to work competence in foreign language 3.lack of enterprise 4.lack of advertising in the field of enterprises 5.lack of information 6.Lack of information about labor market 7.lack of work 8.lack of possibilities for young people 9.lack of work in our region

21 Conclusion: Student profile Eurokom Association Age: 14-19 - Residence: Town /village - Number of sisters/brothers: one or two Father’s qualification: high school graduate or vocational high school/qualified worker Mother’s qualification: Mother’s qualification: high school graduate or university faculty graduated Works status Father: employed - Works status Mother: employed

22 Conclusion: Student profile Eurokom Association Age: 14-19 - Residence: Town /village - Number of sisters/brothers: one or two Father’s qualification: high school graduate or vocational high school/qualified worker Mother’s qualification: Mother’s qualification: high school graduate or university faculty graduated Works status Father: employed - Works status Mother: employed

23 Conclusion: Student profile Eurokom Association Use internet at home: too much/always for 37%, not bad often 20%, much usually 15%, little 10%, too little/rarely 5%2,5% To speak a foreign language : not bad/ often 47% ; too much/always 27,5%, much usually 17,5%, little 5%, too little/rarely 2,5% To have interest in learning the subjects related to his field : too much/always 50%, much usually30%, not bad/often 7,5%, little/sometime7,5%, too little 2,5% To find a solution in difficult situations : much/usually 40%, too much/always 30%, not bad 17,5%, little 2,5%, too little 5%;

24 Conclusion: Student profile Eurokom Association Take part in cultural and social activities : much/usually 40%, not bad/ often 25%, too much always 22,50%; He have visited some enterprises related to its field during the education at school : too little 25%, much usually 25%, not bad/often 20%, little sometimes 17,50%. He think education programmes at school and needs of enterprises cover each other : much usually 37,5, to much/always 22,5%, little/sometimes 15%, too little 5%. He had already had some information about his rights in enterprises before going there: little/sometimes 32,5%, not bad/ often 25%, much/usually 22,5%.

25 Conclusion: Student profile Eurokom Association He appreciates the behaviour and teaching methods of the responsible experts in enterprises : too much/ always 32,5%, much/usually 30%, little/ often 17,50%. New developments and changings are followed at his school : not bad/often 27,50%, much/ usually 22,50%, little, rarely 12,50%, little/sometimes 10%. He would like to have a enterprise training: Abroad 55%, In a different city 27,50%, in my hometown 17,50%. In the school there are a responsible group who works for the orientation from school to job? Yes 50%, not 50%. The student think that will be useful, about orientation from school to job, to have: To have more knowledge about the job 45%, to have more knowledge about the enterprises 30%, To have more experiences about the working life 30%.

26 THANKS A LOT FOR THE ATTENTION! Eurokom Association

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