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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 Old School Scientific Method
Make an Observation Ask a Question Construct a hypothesis Experiment Record Data Analyze Results Report your findings

3 There is no scientific method….

4 Experimental Design Develop and follow a procedure
Included detailed procedure and materials list Variables: Independent variable – what the experimenter changes Dependent variable – what is measured Constant – things to keep the same Control -

5 Some practice…. Different rose bushes are grown in a greenhouse for two months. The number of flowers on each bush is counted at the end of the experiment IV: DV: Control: Different types of rose bushes Number of flowers Rose bush grown outside

6 Some practice…. You water three sunflower plants with salt water. Each plant recieves a different concentration of salt solutions. A fourth plant recieves pure water. After a two week period, the height is measure IV: DV: Control: Different concentrations of salt water Height of plant 4th plant receiving pure water

7 Some practice…. One tank of golf fish is fed the normal amount of food once a day, a second tank is fed twice a day and a third tank four times a day during a six week study. The fish’s weight is recorded daily IV: DV: Control: Different amounts of food fed Weight of fish Tank fed normal amount – once a day

8 Writing a lab report….

9 Discussion/Conclusion
Did the data support the hypothesis? Specific data that led to rejection/support Refer to visuals (graphs, data tables) Use understanding of scientific concepts to explain why results support/reject Any problems, issues, mistakes?

10 Results Visuals Visuals Visuals
In a sentence of two, what’s the main finding? Include paragraphs about each visual. State overall relationships, include specific details

11 Communicating Results….
Scientific Journals Scientific Studies (released articles)

12 Evaluating Articles Questions to ask… Was the study large enough?
Did it last long enough? Conclusions fit scientific evidence? Findings been checked by other experts?

13 Some actual scientific studies..
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitaional challenge Optimizing the sensory characteristics and acceptance of canned cat food: use of a human taste panel Maternal kisses are not effective in alleviating minor childhood injuries

14 Problems with bad science…
Global Warming controversy Scientists faking data Cherry picking (its -20° out global warming is fake!) Vaccine controversy Study about MMR linked to autism Picked up by celebrities – gained traction No science has been able to replicate original study linking vaccines and autism

15 30 Scientific Studies show link between Vaccines and Autism

16 In the consumer world… Genetically Modified Foods (GMOS)
Organic vs Non Organic Foods Tone Up Shoes

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