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Life situation  1. Retirement  65-70  Slow down and enjoy life  2. Grandparent  3. Living arrangements  Become independent and live in their own.

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2 Life situation  1. Retirement  65-70  Slow down and enjoy life  2. Grandparent  3. Living arrangements  Become independent and live in their own homes  Myths: all live in retirement homes, nursing homes, live with kids or buy condo  4. Ego integrity  Belief that life is meaningful and worthwhile even when your physical abilities decline  Accept death as part of life

3 Death and Dying  We all must face it sometime in our lives  Everyone tries to avoid it  Pretend nothings wrong  Refuse to talk about it  Put make up on the dead so they look livelier  Refuse to let kids see dying grandparents

4 Thanatology  Study of death and dying  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross  Psychologist studied death and dying  Created stages

5 Stages of dying

6 Denial  Refuse to believe your dying  Exp: “it can’t be me. The doctor’s diagnosis must be wrong.”

7 Anger  People at this stage might think, “It’s unfair. Why me.?

8 Bargaining  If I do this maybe I will live longer  EXP: “I’ll be kinder if I can see my grandson graduate.”

9 Depression  The person may despair and wonder, “What’s the use of living another day?”

10 Acceptance  The person reasons, “I’ve had a good life. I’m ready to die.”

11 Dying is part of life. Have no regrets!! Live everyday to the fullest!!!

12 Dying with dignity  Need security and self- confidence  Feel supported and cared for from their family  Need to know that their dying wishes will be carried out  Relief from pain  Problem: should doctors give patients pain killers even if they are highly addictive?

13 Hospice or Hospital?  Homelike place where dying people and their families given support to help them cope  Allow to chose activities, diet and medication  No restricted visiting hours  Can be given the hospice care at home  Rules det. Patients treatment  Limited visiting hours  Very little caring support with other medical staff

14 Euthanaisa?  Also called mercy killing  Very controversial issue  Some physicians considered it when there is no hope for a person’s recovery  Person been in a coma for long period of time, pain is so severe they can no longer take it

15 Dr. Kevorkian

16 Debate  No?OR  Yes?

17 The living will  Legal document  You decided if you want to be kept alive when there is no hope of survival  You decide if you want artificial support and how long

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