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Berkeley County Schools
Preparation for the OEPA Audit
Today’s Purpose: Plan for an OEPA visit
Overview of OEPA process to beginning preparation for February OEPA review Tools for preparation Training dates
Five Components of the Visit
School Monitoring Report Self Evaluation and Evidence Documentation Review Including school maps, financial audit, school lunches Berkeley County OEPA notebook Lesson Plans Completeness Correlation to Next Gen Standards Variation in Instructional Methods Use of Technology Evidence of Inquiry based, hands on Science (ES) Administrator Review and Comments Substitute Folder
Five Components of the Visit (cont.)
4. Classroom Observations Engagement Variation of Instructional Practices Explicit Writing Instruction Effective and Meaningful use of Technology 5. Staff Interviews School Culture Knowledge of Strategic Plan SPL Process Use of Data to drive instruction Best Practices High Expectations for all PLCs Time spent in direct service to students (Counselors – 75/25)
The day of the visits Provide: individual team member packets, meeting room, and refreshments Be helpful, offer assistance to individuals Teachers must be prepared to teach for the full instructional period (instructional minutes count) and match the lesson being taught to lesson plan Staff should be cognizant of how they address students and colleagues Show your knowledge, skills, and professionalism School notebook ready Engagement, Engagement, Engagement! Any individual present at the school the day of the visit could be selected for an interview. This includes students and parents.
Who will the auditors be?
Team members are selected based on expertise in: school high quality learning conditions and knowledge of school and county policy and Code the programmatic level of the school attending. The size of the team is reflective of the size of the school and number of schools in the system. Team members will include professionals from across the state of West Virginia: Principals Central Office Personnel Retired Administrators Counselors RESA Personnel Office of Technology
How should your school prepare for the monitoring visit?
Complete the School Monitoring Report Embed Strategic Plan Review Policies and Codes Accreditation Curriculum 4373 – Safe and Supportive Schools 2340 – Assessment Instructional Minutes School Counseling policy Data Teams should review student performance data Common Assessments, End of year, Benchmarking Be able to articulate the SPL processes and procedures for your building All staff should identify and be able to discuss at least 3 best practices of the school and implementation process Make sure lesson plans are complete and available Have Berkeley County notebook fully updated
How do you the principal prepare for the monitoring visit?
Participate in Principal training today Attend Strategic Plan training workshop September 2/3, General Principals meeting, and Instructional Principals meetings Review lesson plans to ensure they meet all components Know the goals of your school’s Strategic Plan Use your files to access any documentation that supports the outstanding work you do for students in your school – show evidence Review High Quality Standards and prepare to talk about areas of strength Train your staff on August 13 and throughout the year using training manual
The Training Manual
What are the monitors looking for during the classroom observation.
Student Engagement High Expectations Classroom Management Behavior Management Variation in Instructional Strategies Use of Appropriate Materials and Technology
Technology in the Classroom
Access and Monitoring – Ensure you and your staff have answers to these questions Is there adequate access to technology? Is there a signup for labs/carts? What is the process? Is there regular use of technology by all teachers? How does the principal monitor technology use? Implementation How is technology being used in the classroom? What software and resources are teachers/students using? HS – Are virtual courses available? For what reasons? Are there adequate opportunities to receive technology professional development? 21ST Century Learning Skills And Technology Tools Content Standards And Objectives For WV Schools ( )
The School Monitoring Report State submittal required by July 30
School submittal for county review: October 15 Revisions can be made up until January 22 Final County Submittal to OEPA: January 22
School Monitoring Report
The School Monitoring Report is a document designed to assist schools in evaluating their own processes toward providing a high quality learning environment for students.
Section 1 Utilizing the input of their staff and LSICs, schools are asked in Section 1 of the School Monitoring Report to rate themselves against the 7 standards for High Quality Schools (WVBE Policy 2322) by utilizing the scale: 4=Strong and pervasive characteristic (Distinguished) (All) 3=Present but not pervasive characteristic (Accomplished) (Most) 2=Present in a few areas and/or situations but needs improvement (Emerging) (Some) 1=Rarely evidenced; needs significant improvement (Unsatisfactory) (None) OEPA will verify the school’s responses to each section of the School Monitoring Report during their reviews.
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 1: Positive Climate and Cohesive Culture Shared Beliefs and Values High Expectations for All Safe, Orderly and Engaging Environment
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 2: School Leadership Principal Leadership School Teams and Councils Teacher Leadership Student Leadership
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 3: Standards-Focused Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments Classroom Learning Environment Standards-Focused Curriculum Instructional Planning Instructional Delivery
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 4: Student Support Services and Family/Community Connections Positive Relationships Student Personal Development Parent and Community Partnerships
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 5: Educator Growth and Development Professional Development Teacher Collaboration Evaluation, Feedback and Support
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 6: Efficient and Effective Management Facilities Fiscal Resources Personnel Data, Information Systems, Technology Tools and Infrastructure
Standards for High Quality Schools
Standard 7: Continuous Improvement Focused and Coherent Plan Processes and Structures Monitoring for Results
Section 2: Needs Analysis, Capacity Building and Efficiencies
Section 2 of the School Monitoring Report asks for schools to identify additional supports needed for continuous improvement. Essential Guiding Questions to Plan for Change and Ensure Success: To implement college- and career- ready standards, our school or district may need to change the way that we… We need to ensure success by… To ensure students are well prepared for post secondary training, college, and careers, we must… We need to ensure success by… How do we proactively build understanding and purpose for our staff, our students, and our community. We need to ensure success by… Do daily instructional practices TRULY prepare kids for college, jobs, careers? We need to ensure success by…
Section 2: Needs Analysis, Capacity Building and Efficiencies
Please identify any significant resource and/or facility needs that staff believes are substantially impacting student performance. Given information above, what additional resource or facility needs do you see that would have a direct and substantial impact on student performance? What other resources can you identify in your buildings that impact the needs that drive your school goals? School counselors in every school – options for alternative ed. – Behavior Specialists – etc. High Schools – Credit Recovery, Option Pathway, Virtual School, On Target, etc.. What else do you think would substantially impact student performance?
Section 2: Needs Analysis, Capacity Building and Efficiencies
Please identify professional development and other capacity building needs that are significantly impacting staff’s ability to improve student performance. At ________________ school we have a strong core belief that ALL student can learn. After analyzing student data (EOY/BOY benchmark, common assessments, summative assessments), our school has chosen ______ areas to focus on to impact student performance. Additional professional development in these areas would be helpful in supporting the school strategic plan and student performance. Our main goal is to produce students who are truly college or career ready. To support this objective our staff would benefit from professional development in _________. Possible professional development topics: Co-teaching Accessible Instructional Materials (to enable special education students to access the general curriculum) Differentiated Instruction Universal Design for Learning Operating Effective PLCs Reading/Writing/Math Instructional Strategies Classroom Management Positive Behavior Support Technology Integration Creating Common Assessments Remind your staff of the trainings you have had over the past 2 or so years to help them in the goals that you have identified (THINK: Strategic Plan). Would they like more training in those areas to advance their knowledge? What professional development do you think would assist your school in improving student performance?
Section 3: Best Practices
Section 3 of the School Monitoring Report asks schools to identify outstanding best practices that have been implemented in their schools and should be noted during the accreditation process. Best Practices are defined as exemplary, unique and data driven. These are practices that can be supported by pre and post data, can be replicated by other school systems and have a direct link to improved student achievement. Please identify your school specific best practices noted by your leadership team
Compliance Checklists (Must be Full Compliance)
Review Policies and Codes Accreditation 2510 – Regulations for Educational Programs 4373 – Expected Behaviors 2340 – Measures of Academic Progress Physical Education §18-2-7a School Counselors § b
Coordinator Assignments
Principal Reflections
Small Groups: Next Steps Reflections
Questions and Answers
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