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Jupiter Transit : Vrishaba -17.5.12 & to Mithuna 31.5.13.

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Presentation on theme: "Jupiter Transit : Vrishaba -17.5.12 & to Mithuna 31.5.13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jupiter Transit : Vrishaba -17.5.12 & to Mithuna 31.5.13

2 Jupiter transit to Vrishaba aspecting Kanni,Vrichika,Makara 5 7 9

3 Jupiter transit from Mesha 1 st pada of Krittika to 2 nd pada of Krittika in Vrishaba on 17 th May. This transit removes Saturn’s aspect on Jupiter Jupiter stays in Vrishaba despite its retrograde motion from 5 th Oct 2012 till 30 th Jan 2013. With Saturn’s transit to Kanya on 16 th May, Jupiter will cast its good aspects on Saturn. On 4 th Aug, Saturn will be in exaltation again which will strengthen Saturn. Both Jupiter and Saturn will do more good than bad during this periods. On 31 st May 2013 it moves into Mithuna.

4 Mesha Rasi – 2 nd house 1068

5 Mesha/Aries Guru transit will be favorable for you as he moves into 2 nd house. There will happiness in the family and financial will improve significantly. Dhanakaraka in the house of dhana will bring in flow of cash during this period. Removal of negative thoughts and mental struggle will give you peace of mind. Relationship between spouse will improve, marriage and purchase of property. Guru aspect on 6 th, 8 th and 10 th. You will have victory in court cases. Trouble from enemies and competition in the profession will go away. Debts will be cleared. Health will improve and medical related expense will reduce. You go on foreign travels. New job opportunities and promotion can be expected. You will received more recognition in the office and your fame will increase. You will take up more reputable position. You will be actively involved in charity work and religious activity.

6 Vrishaba Rasi – 1 st house 957

7 Vrishaba/Taurus This guru transit is not so favorable for you as it moves to 1 st house which is Janma Guru. You will be subjected to much mental strain and might lose you self confidence. Humiliation and blame will further hurt you. Your lifestyle will be more hectic and your workload will increase. Fear of disease will kick in but not necessary bring health problem for you. You need to keep an eye on expenses as your financial plan will not be successful. Guru aspects 5 th, 7 th and 9 th house. You children will perform better. There could be a child birth in your family. Relationship with spouse will improve. You can expect a better support and help from you friends and business partners. You will go on pilgrimage and will likely meet spiritual guru. Help from father and paternal assets can be expected. Increase in income.

8 Mithuna Rasi – 12 th house 846

9 Mithuna/Gemini This guru transit is not so favorable for you as it moves to 12 th house. Your life will be very hectic with heavy workload and other responsibility. Do not venture into new businesses or investment as you meet with big financial loss. Delay in endeavor. Your expenses will increase. Take extra care of your health to avoid hospital bills. Be thrifty and consult elders on major decision making. Do not share family matters with others. You might have to attend to court cases. Guru aspects 4 th, 6 th and 8 th house.You will get assets from mother and your mother’s health will improve. There is chance for you to purchase house. Your hidden enemy will be revealed and you will be gaining from it. There will be belief from backpain. You will win in court cases. You may plan for foreign travels as you will get help from foreigners. Long pending government approval will be granted.

10 Kataka Rasi – 11 th house 735

11 Kataka /Cancer This guru transit is favorable for you as it moves to your11 th house.This will bring you profit/gain. It will give or increase your travel. Your popularity will increase. Your relationship with elder sibling will get better and you will receive help from them. Trouble from enemies in your profession go away and the enemies will turn to support you. Guru aspects 3 rd, 5 th and 7 th house. Your relationship with younger siblings will improve. You will regain your self confidence and courage. You will have the valor to accomplish your pursuits. As Guru aspecting your purvapunya sthana your actions will yield results with very little efforts. You children will do better. You will get a child.Your will have a better relationship with spouse and business partners. You will meet your life partner and wedding bells will ring. Obstacle will be removed.

12 Simha Rasi – 10 th house 624

13 Simha /Leo This guru transit is not so favorable for you as it moves to 10 th house which is your Karma Stana. You will have to struggle to accomplish your work. You will loose your peace of mind. You might see demotion and loss of position or transfer. Be ready to take less responsibility if needed. Keep a low profile and do not plan to change your job. Relationship with spouse could worsen. Guru aspects 2 nd, 4 th and 6 th house.As guru aspect your vakstana your speech and eloquence will improve. You income will increase and you will be able to save more. You will purchase of property. Your mother’s health will improve. You debts will reduce and long due debts will be paid off. You debts collection will realize.

14 Kanni Rasi – 9 th house 513

15 Kanni /Virgo This guru transit is favorable for you as Guru moves to 9 th house which is your Bagyasthana. Your will take on a pilgrimage and meet saints/guru. You will get blessing and guidance from your Guru. You will get more spiritual and participate in religious activities. There will be happiness in life. Your relationship with father will improve and you will get assets and help from him. It’s a good period to invest in property and shares. You will get a promotion. Guru aspects 1 st, 3 rd and 5 th house. You will be cheerful. Your health condition will improve. You will have better self confidence and courage thus giving you victory in your pursuits. You will take up short travels. You will visit or worship family deity. Your children will do better.

16 Thula Rasi – 8 th house 4122

17 Thula/Libra This guru transit is not favorable for you as it moves to 8 th house which is Asthama Guru. You will have to face insults and blames. Your reputation will be at stake. You have to work much harder for your results. There will be fear of death and disease. You will be prone to accident. You will face difficulties on making decision. Wrong decision will be very costly for you. Guru aspects 2 nd, 4 th and 12 th house. – There will be happiness in the family. You may purchase of property but be extra cautious. Your comforts will improve..Your enemies will be revealed. Your expenses will increase but you may convert it to good expenditure.

18 Vrichika Rasi – 7 th house 3111

19 Vrichika/Scorpio This guru transit is favorable for you as it moves to 7 th house. This is good period to make wedding arrangement. Singles will meet with the life partners and your love affairs will be fruitful. The family situation will improve. You will see a better relationship with your spouse. Your financials will be better. Your harshness in speech will reduce and your enmity with others will fade away. You will travel to far land with partners or spouse. You may increase investment and business with your partner as it will bring profits. Guru aspects 1 st, 3 rd and 11 th houses. Short travels will increase. You will get help from younger and elder siblings. You will be awarded for your merits. You will see more recognition for your work. You will be more cheerful. Your better self confidence will increase.

20 Dhanus Rasi – 6 th house 21012

21 Dhanus/Sagittarius This guru transit is not so favorable for you as it moves to 6 th house. Your enemies will increase. There will be obstacles. Your will be prone to disease. You need to look at after your health as it could worsen.You will have new debts and may end up with financial constraints. Your mother’s health might deteriorate. Guru aspects 2 nd, 10 th and 12 th house. There will be happiness in the family. Your source of income and cash flow will increase. You could purchase landed property. Your comforts will improve. You will see new expenses coming in. You working condition will improve and you stand a chance for promotion.

22 Makara Rasi – 5 th house 1911.

23 Makara/Capricorn This guru transit is favorable for you as it moves to 5 th house which is your Purvapunya stana. You will see family happiness. You may visit your family deity temple or will worship family deity. You will gain from share market. You will be blessed with a child. Guru aspects 1 st,9 th and 11 th house. – Your health will improve. Your relationship with your father will be good. You will meets saints and Guru. You will get blessing and guidance from your Guru. You will have better relationship with elder sibling. New ventures and jobs are possible. You will get a promotion and new opportunity. You will perform difficult task easily. You actions will yield result with very little effort from you.

24 Kumbha Rasi – 4 th house 12810.

25 Kumbha/Aquarius This guru transit is not so favorable for you as it moves to 4 th house which is Sukha stana.Its also called Arthasthama Guru. You will suffer from discomfort.You will have to work harder for results. Your mother will fall sick. Domestic trouble will creep up. You should avoid new responsibility. You need exercise some caution in property purchase. You may purchase a new vehicle. Expenses thru vehicle is also possible. Guru aspects 8 th, 10 th and 12 th houses. You will have better collection of debts. Change of job is on the way. You can take up new challenges and new ventures. Your expenses will increase but you could turn them as good expenditure.

26 Meena Rasi – 3 rd house 1179

27 Meena /Pisces This guru transit is not so favorable for you as it moves to 3 rd house. You will see obstacles in your pursuits. You will lose your self confidence ad courage. You will be prone to sorrow and tension. You might have some heart trouble. You will have expenses thru younger sibling. Avoid bad company/ friends. You will have expenses from electronics goods. You will have problem memorizing and remembering things. Guru aspects 7 th, 9 th and 11 th house. You will have better relationship with father. You will have gain thru shares. You will receive help from elder siblings. Asset related problems will ease.

28 Summary

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