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“When the Saints go Marching in” “Animal Classification” 3 rd grade KRISTIN NESOM.

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1 “When the Saints go Marching in” “Animal Classification” 3 rd grade KRISTIN NESOM


3 Verse 1 If it has hair And gives live birth We classify this as a mammal If it has gills but gets lungs later We classify this as amphibian

4 Chorus All animals Are classified By characteristics they have similar From reptiles, mammals and birds To fish and amphibians

5 Verse 2 If they have wings And hatch from eggs They are classified as birds If they live underwater their whole life They are classified as fish

6 Verse 3 If they hatch from eggs And have cold blood They are classified as reptiles We could also check for a backbone To know if it’s a vertebrate


8 Common Core Content Area Understand that scientists classify living things according to the characteristics they share (From the Core Knowledge Sequence, Colorado State Standard 3, pg 26, Arizona state standard 4SC-F3) Understand the different characteristics of animal classes (From the Core Knowledge Sequence, Colorado State Standard 3, Arizona State Standard 4SC- F3)

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