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1 Dublin Core in Z39.50: The Bath Profile Paul Miller Interoperability Focus UK Office for Library & Information Networking (UKOLN)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dublin Core in Z39.50: The Bath Profile Paul Miller Interoperability Focus UK Office for Library & Information Networking (UKOLN)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dublin Core in Z39.50: The Bath Profile Paul Miller Interoperability Focus UK Office for Library & Information Networking (UKOLN) UKOLN is funded by the Library and Information Commission, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the Universities of Bath and Hull where staff are based.

2 2 Introducing Z39.50 North American Standard (ANSI/NISO Z39.50–1995 [version 3]) International Standard (ISO 23950) Originally library–centric Permits remote searching of databases Access via Z client or over web Relies upon ‘Profiles’ CIMI profile for cultural heritage GEO profile for Geospatial data. See

3 3 Z39.50 Challenges Profiles for each discipline Defeats interoperability? Vendor interpretation of the standard Bib–1 bloat Largely invisible to the user Seen as complicated, expensive and old–fashioned Surely no match for XML/RDF/ whatever. See

4 4 DC and Z39.50 Dublin Core Element Set can be seen within Z39.50 in a number of ways… As a mapping from DC Elements to Bib–1 Use Attributes –DC Title = Use Attribute 4 (Title) –DC Subject = Use Attributes 21, 22, 23, etc. As separate Use Attributes in their own right –DC Title = Use Attribute 1097 (DC–Title) –DC Creator = Use Attribute 1098 (DC–Creator), etc. As a key aspect of the Cross–Domain Attribute Set in the new Attribute Architecture.

5 5 Need for the Bath Profile System vendors implement areas of the Z39.50 standard differently Regional, National, and disciplinary Profiles have appeared over previous years, many of which have basic functions in common Users wish to search across national/regional boundaries, and between vendors. See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

6 6 The Bath Profile is heavily influenced by ATS–1 CENL DanZIG MODELS ONE Z Texas vCUC Accommodating the Profiles See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

7 7 Accommodating the Profiles See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

8 8 Doing the work ZIP–PIZ–L mailing list, hosted by National Library of Canada Meeting face–to–face The UK’s Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) supported a face– to–face meeting in Bath over the summer A draft, being widely circulated for comment. See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

9 9 What we’ve suggested Minimisation of ‘defaults’ Where possible, every attribute is defined in the Profile (Use, Relation, Position, Structure, Truncation, Completeness) Three Functional Areas Basic Bibliographic Search & Retrieval Bibliographic Holdings Search & Retrieval Cross–Domain Search & Retrieval Three or more Levels of Conformance in each Area. See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

10 10 Cross–Domain S&R Level 0 Search Keyword Creator Search Keyword Title Search Keyword Subject Search ‘Any’ Search. See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

11 11 Cross–Domain S&R Level 1 Search All of Level 0 and… Greater control over location of terms in Creator/Subject/Title searches Standard Identifier Search Date of Publication Search. See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

12 12 Returning results across domains At Level 0 in this Functional Area, results are returned as a SUTRS record At Level 1 in this Functional Area, results must be returnable as either SUTRS or a Dublin Core record encoded with an XML DTD Other record syntaxes are allowed, but this minimum must be supported. See–focus/ activities/z3950/int_profile/bath/

13 13 interop–focus/activities/z3950/ int_profile/bath/ Soliciting comments from the community until 12 November, at which time we can revise the document accordingly. (me) bath– (myself and the other editors)

14 14 … ]

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