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Grade 5 Fall Open House September 21, 2015. Contact information Mrs. Bielamowicz (832) 484-7934 Mrs. Wright

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 5 Fall Open House September 21, 2015. Contact information Mrs. Bielamowicz (832) 484-7934 Mrs. Wright"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 5 Fall Open House September 21, 2015

2 Contact information Mrs. Bielamowicz (832) 484-7934 Mrs. Wright (832) 484-7934 Ms. Brown

3 We check phone messages in the afternoon. If you leave a voicemail, please allow about 24 hours for the call to be returned. Email is the most efficient way to contact us. If you need immediate help, please call main office at 832-484-7900. Contacting Teachers

4 Remind Helping Teachers Connect Instantly with Students & Parents A message service that works through e-mail or text messaging. Look for a handout in your child’s Wednesday Folder in the next few weeks. This handout will have information on how to sign up.

5 Reading Major Grades make up 50% of the final average. Common Assessments Reading Notebook Projects DCA’s and Benchmarks Minor Grades make up 50% of the final average. Quizzes Daily Work Reading Notebook Instructional vs. Independent Reading Grading Guidelines

6 Language Arts Major Grades make up 50% of the final average. Common Assessments Compositions Projects DCA’s and Benchmarks Minor Grades make up 50% of the final average. Quizzes; spelling, grammar, vocabulary Daily Work

7 Grading Guidelines Social Studies Major Grades make up 50% of the final average. Common Assessments Papers Projects/Presentations Minor Grades make up 50% of the final average. Quizzes Interactive Notebook Warm-ups Thinking Maps

8 Grading Guidelines Math Major Grades make up 50% of the final average. Campus Common Assessments District Common Assessments Topic Assessments Benchmarks Minor Grades make up 50% of the final average Quizzes Daily Work

9 Grading Guidelines Science Major Grades make up 50% of the final average. Common Assessments Paper/Projects -Including Inventions, Biomes, Science Trade Book and/or Endangered Animals Labs DCA’s and Benchmarks Minor Grades make up 50% of the final average. Quizzes Daily Work Science Labs (50% hands-on/field experiences)

10 Grading Guidelines Technology Major Grades make up 50% of the final average. Project based on core subject area Focusing on technology skill we are learning that quarter Minor Grades make up 50% of the final average. Quizzes Daily Work

11 Grading Guidelines Missing and Late Work Accepted until the end of the nine week grading period with no points taken off. Unfinished class and homework will be completed during Fun Friday time.

12 Grading Guidelines Re-teaching and Re-testing Re-teaching for skills not mastered or understood. Re-testing on major grades only. Improve failing grades on tests—does not include KISD assessments Noted in GradeSpeed with the letter “R”.

13 Grades Not all grades will have corresponding paper in Wednesday folder. We keep some for re-teaching, portfolios & interactive notebooks. Some are done in notebooks or are e-instruction opportunities.


15 Differentiation Students receive instruction on independent learning level Small group instruction Tiered assignments Supplemental learning activities

16 Assessments Math STAAR – March 29 Reading STAAR - March 30 Science STAAR – May 11

17 The Student Success Initiative SSI was created by the Texas Legislature to ensure all students are successful in mathematics & reading. In order to be promoted to 6 th grade, students must pass both the math & reading STARR tests.

18 Wednesday Folders There will be a letter grade in the Conduct Satisfactory box. One sheet per 2 teachers. Please review folder and information carefully. Please sign and return the next day. Check the back for comments when comments box is checked.

19 Progress Reports Every student receives a progress report the fourth or fifth week of every nine weeks. Your signature is required. Must be returned to the teacher.

20 Daily Attendance Prompt arrival and daily attendance is extremely important to your student’s academic success. Five or more tardies will result in general conduct grade being lowered by one full letter grade. Daily attendance is taken at 9:45, anyone not present at that time will be counted absent.

21 Homework Assigned each Friday on a weekly basis. Due the following Thursday. Packet includes foundational skills that can be completed independently. Nightly spelling assignments and 30 minutes reading.

22 Discipline and Class Management Plan Rewards Trace's Treats Verbal praise Notes home Consequences Verbal Reminders Reflection Center

23 Discipline and Class Management Plan Self-discipline and attitude are pertinent to your child's success in 5th grade. We will be adjusting rewards as the year progresses. Rules will remain consistent throughout the year, and consequences will be appropriate to the child and the behavior. Please be sure you have reviewed the KISD Student Handbook.

24 The window for referring your child for GT testing begins August 24 and ends September 25. Sign for a packet in the front office and return it in person before the September 25 due date. Late packets cannot be accepted due to district deadlines with the testing company. More specific information on the GT program may be found on the Klein ISD website: Departments: Advanced Academics: Gifted and Talented You may also contact Terri Baker, the Metzler Counselor, for more information. 832-484-7955. Gifted and Talented Information

25 Thanks for Coming

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