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Waste Water Team Matt Cousin, Dominic DiFulvio, Luke Felack, Pete Rancourt.

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Presentation on theme: "Waste Water Team Matt Cousin, Dominic DiFulvio, Luke Felack, Pete Rancourt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste Water Team Matt Cousin, Dominic DiFulvio, Luke Felack, Pete Rancourt

2 Table of Contents 1.Recognize the Opportunity 2.Define the Problem Space 3. Specifications 4.Brainstorm 5.Evaluate Ideas 6.Analysis 7.Communicate Design Solution

3 We Have the Power to Draw Tourism to the Area Tourism to the Cumberland, MD area Visitors to the Allegany College of Maryland

4 People will be Educated and Entertained through our Technology Structure Clean Waste Water Treatment Making waste water interesting Educational side of waste water

5 Our Exhibit Must be Relevant to People of All Ages, as well as Cost Efficient, and Sustainable Entertaining and educational to all ages Self-sustaining/cost efficient Environmentally friendly

6 There were Myriad Ideas Generated through the Duration of the Brainstorming Process Septic Tank Aerated Lagoon Anaerobic Digester Playground Constructed Wetland

7 Only one came out on top of the others Constructed Wetland o Cost efficient o Minimal space required o Educational o Minimal upkeep required

8 How it works

9 The Prototype

10 The Prototype: Cold Weather

11 Through wastewater, we can attract people to our Technology structure Tourism to SAIN Education and entertainment Shows how wastewater can be used in our society

12 Appendix 1: Gantt Chart

13 Appendix 2: Control Screening Matrix

14 Appendix 3: Control Scoring Matrix BDE

15 Appendix 4: Pairwise Comparison

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