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Trust in the Midst of the Storm. What is Your Image of Jesus? How do you see Him?

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Presentation on theme: "Trust in the Midst of the Storm. What is Your Image of Jesus? How do you see Him?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trust in the Midst of the Storm


3 What is Your Image of Jesus? How do you see Him?

4 Background Early in Jesus’ Ministry Speaking Tour Synagogues, mountains and by the Sea

5 Background Long day teaching Throw in some healings

6 Text “When evening came” Not first time they used the boat to get away (Mark 3:9)

7 Boats follow Throw away line No peace First image “Rock Star”

8 Fishermen Disciples were Fishermen (Peter, Andrew, James and John) Knew how to handle a boat Knew weather patterns

9 The Storm Storm arose, no mention if sudden Slow build to panic Consider their experience

10 Where is Jesus? Asleep in the stern Has a cushion Very odd and unusual!

11 Second Image Jesus was Human Max Lucado says Jesus had pimples Got tired like us

12 Back to the Disciples In the midst of the storm Doing their best Can’t take it anymore, wake Jesus “Teacher do you not care that we are perishing?”

13 My favorite part Jesus wakes up “Peace, be still” Doesn’t do this in God’s name

14 “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” They’d been with him Seen his miracles Are we different from them?

15 Great Fear “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Thought he was a good Rabbi This is the moment they start to get it

16 Great Fear Not like horror movies or Rollercoasters Higher form of respect Meeting someone famous

17 Superheroes Love them Loving all the movies Fantasize about powers Reality is…

18 Third Image Jesus was/is Divine Commanded the weather We can barely predict it

19 Jesus isn’t just talking now No Instructions, no parables Showing His power Glimpse of His Divinity

20 Who is the Jesus you believe in? When you face your own storms, how do you react?

21 “Despite the disciples’ fear and lack of faith, Jesus muzzles the storm and preserves their lives. What can he do when people show faith?” David Garland

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