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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 General Classification Synarthroses and Amphiarthroses.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 General Classification Synarthroses and Amphiarthroses."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 General Classification Synarthroses and Amphiarthroses Types of Diathroses Diarthroses Anatomy Misc

2 100 The joint between the parietal bones of the skull is considered what type of joint?

3 100 - Answer Suture

4 200 What is the technical, functional name for slightly moveable joints?

5 200 - Answer Amphiarthroses

6 300 In this structural classification of joints, the connecting material is cartilage.

7 300 - Answer Cartilaginous

8 400 This is the technical name for the functional classification of joints that are non-moveable.

9 400 - Answer Synarthroses

10 500 This anatomical classification of joints is characterized by the presence of a cavity surrounding the articulating bones.

11 500 - Answer Synovial

12 100 What non-moveable joint connects bone to cartilage?

13 100 - Answer Synchondroses

14 200 Structurally, sutures are synarthroses that are held together by what?

15 200 - Answer Fibrous Connective Tissue

16 300 What non-moveable joint has a cone shaped peg fitting into a socket?

17 300 - Answer Gomphosis

18 400 What do you call the joint found between pubis bones?

19 400 - Answer Symphysis

20 500 What do you call the joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula?

21 500 - Answer Syndesmoses

22 100 In this diarthroses, a cup-like surface of one bone articulates with a ball shaped portion of another.

23 100 - Answer Ball and Socket

24 200 The elbow is considered this type of diarthroses.

25 200 - Answer Hinge

26 300 The articulation that allows rotation to occur between the radius and ulna is known as what type of joint?

27 300 - Answer Pivot

28 400 Daily Double! This type of diarthroses allows movement in one direction only and occurs between the carpals and tarsals.

29 400 - Answer Gliding

30 500 This type of diarthroses takes place between metacarpal #1 and the trapezium.

31 500 - Answer Saddle

32 100 What do you call the space encapsulated around the bones at a freely moveable joint?

33 100 - Answer Synovial Cavity

34 200 What do you call bundles of dense irregular connective tissue that hold bones together?

35 200 - Answer Ligaments

36 300 Daily Double! What are sac-like structures that help reduce friction at certain joints?

37 300 - Answer Bursae

38 400 This is the fluid that lubricates diarthroses.

39 400 - Answer Synovial Fluid

40 500 The outer layer of the articular capsule is known as the what?

41 500 - Answer Fibrous Capsule

42 100 What is the technical name for a place where two bones come together?

43 100 - Answer Articulation

44 200 Name a ball and socket joint.

45 200 - Answer Shoulder and Hip

46 300 Name a cartilaginous joint.

47 300 - Answer Epiphyseal disk, pubic symphysis, interveterbral disks, costal cartilage with ribs and sternum, ect…

48 400 Where would you look to find an extracapsular ligament?

49 400 - Answer Outside the articular capsule

50 500 What is the inner layer of the articular capsule called?

51 500 - Answer Synovial Membrane

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