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Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 1 ECSS/CCSDS cooperation.

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1 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 1 ECSS/CCSDS cooperation

2 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 2 ECSS/CCSDS relationship what we want ? –To recognize CCSDS as the primary forum for establishment of standards in the domain of “SPACE DATA SYSTEMS AND THEIR INTEROPERABILITY” –To avoid duplication of and conflicts between standards, that can be used for space application; –To contribute, as early as possible, to documents which could impact ECSS, or which are intended to be adopted by ECSS; –To maximize cost effectiveness.

3 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 3 ECSS/CCSDS Context Preliminary contacts in 2003, Draft MOU sent to CCSDS CMC in 2005, No more official contact since 2005, ECSS is now ready to restart exchanges with the objective of “formal” cooperation. – e.i : an agreement formalizing a communication channel and commitments of both parties

4 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 4 Proposed content of cooperation agreement PRINCIPLE –recognition of CCSDS as the primary forum for establishment of standards in the domain of “SPACE DATA SYSTEMS AND THEIR INTEROPERABILITY” DRIVERS OF THE COOPERATION IN THE “DOMAIN” –to establish a single set of standards; –to ensure that work plans of each party does not contain unjustified duplication; –to recognize CCSDS a leading role on agreed standardization tasks; –to ensure that the standard produced fulfills the needs of both Parties; –to exploit full range of expertise of both Parties.

5 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 5 Elements of cooperation process –Phase 1: Search for a consensus Exchange and Coordination of work plans and New Work Items ( comment, consistency check, prioritization of the activities, duplication avoidance,…) Take into account the comments of each party, provide feedback, and try to find consensus… –Phase 2: Development of document CCSDS leadership Involvement of ECSS in the CCSDS document review and approval process

6 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 6 Roadmap Draft of an Agreement to be provided either by ECSS or by CCSDS (date TBD) Iteration phase (date TBD) Ratification phase: –Approval by adequate authorities –Goal for ECSS TA is to provide a preliminary joint elaborated agreement for 11th December ECSS SB Should we start exchanges (NWI & WP) before ratification?

7 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 7 Contacts Until ratification TA Chairman is proposed as ECSS Point Of Contact with copy to the secretariat and TAAR

8 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 8 Back up viewgraphs

9 Darmstadt, October 9th 2007ECSS/CCSDS Coordination meeting 9 ECSS Work Plan E-50/70 Status : 2= First Drafting Phase; 3= Second Drafting Phase; 4.1= Draft Back to WG; 4.2=Draft in ES; 4.3= //assmt; 5 = Public Review; 6.1= In ES for DRR comp; 6.2= In WG for DRR dispo & doc update; 6.3= Draft with dispo in ES;7 = Cleaning; 8= In TA approval for Publication ;9= Old published standard; 10=Final coherency check; 11= Document authorized for publication (or on hold)

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