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 Martin Luther king jr. was born in Atlanta in 1929.his mother was a teacher and took care of him very well. Her name was Alberta king. His father was.

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2  Martin Luther king jr. was born in Atlanta in 1929.his mother was a teacher and took care of him very well. Her name was Alberta king. His father was a Baptist minister,Michael Luther king, ovcorce he was named after his father.

3  There where a lot of different accomplish of the big guy him self. Like the big speeches and the words that came out of his mouth when he sed that speech (I have a dream)they were so meaningful to both races (but mostly blacks) he would do anything to get the blacks to freedom so every body would be equal. He walked miles and miles and got put in jail a thousand times to make sure that whites new that both races are equal

4  Martin had an awesome goal. It was to make sure that black people everywhere had freedom. So he would walk thousands of miles for his kind.  He has gotten a lot of awards for doing the things that he did.  Martin was a great person.

5  In 1968 Martin Luther king died by an ungrateful man’s gunshot in the neck on the Motel balcony of the Lorraine motel. He got rushed to the hospital but died soon after.

6  I think that the greatest thing he did was that he made sure that all people were treated equally.

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