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Team Minimums Implementation!

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Presentation on theme: "Team Minimums Implementation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Minimums Implementation!

2 Contenido What are the“Team minimums”? Team Minimums Check List.
Importance for AIESEC Mexico. Team Minimums in EXPA. Q&A

3 What “Team minimums” are?
Ok, first we have 4 elements of Talent Management

4 What are“Team minimums”?
Team Minimums, are here, in how are we delivering high Quality TMPTLP Experieces.

5 What “Team minimums” are?
These are our standards and through these is how we will achieve SATISFACTION for our customers!

6 Team Minimums Check List.

7 Team Minimums Check List.
Is about how we make teams and with which purpose.

8 Team Minimums Check List.
All my TLPs have 3 or more than 3 members. All my teams have a team purpose and ambition. My teams have team rules. My teams are running weekly meetings. My TLPs know how to run meetings ina effectively way. My teams have monthly, quarterly review.

9 Team Minimums Check List.
Is about the direction, and mission of the team, is WHAT & HOW they should achieve.

10 Team Minimums Check List.
All my teams have a clear plan KPIs and MoS. All my members have a week plan. All my members have a month plan. All my members have a quarter plan and MoS. The plan has been reviewed and adjusted with my team. Members feel ownership of goals and strategies. Members has clear goals and deadlines.

11 Team Minimums Check List.
Is about the Individual Contribution that each member have in my teams, is about the impact of our experiences.

12 Team Minimums Check List.
All my member have a JD. All my JDs have clear responsabilities. All my JDs have clear MoSs. My individual experiences have a clear start and end date. I make a tracking between the abilities that should be developed and the abilities that member wants to learn. I run quarterly report of results of: MoS achievement, competences developed, personal goals.

13 Team Minimums Check List.
Is about the tools and knowledge that we bring to our members and leader in order to ensure that they will have a good performance.

14 Team Minimums Check List.
I have and run a Local Education Cycle. I have a transition process for each position. All my members have organizational knowledge (AIESEC way, products, etc..) I know the skills that my members need to develop to have a good performance. I know what kind of attitude and behaviors are needed and i communicate and act in a way that promote them. My members are taking part in National webinars and trainings.

15 Team Minimums Check List.
Tracking is about ensuring implementation and Coaching is about of the individual’s ability to fulfill their JD.

16 Team Minimums Check List.
In all the weekly team meetings I track MoS, KPIs, productivity and weekly priorities accomplishment. We had a monthly rewiew meeting where we defined weekly priorities, weekly KPIs and MoS. I have a clear resport of results process. I have individual coaching meetings with my members. I track the Career plan of my members.

17 Team Minimums Check List.
Is about how we are making and taking feedback as a way to improve as leaders, also about to check the experiences that we provide and push to have an individual reflection.

18 Team Minimums Check List.
Monthly team and individual feedback meetings. Quarterly team days. Reflect about outer and inner journey and development. LEAD.

19 Importance of Team Minimums in AIESEC Mexico.
Lack of leadership development. Retention of membership. Motivation. Goals not clear for each member. Contibution per member. Education. Productivity.

20 Importance of Team Minimums in AIESEC Mexico.
Productivity. IGIP OGIP IGCDP OGCDP Goal 1.7 1.8 5.2 No less than 1 of productivity per programme in LCs.

21 Team Minimums in EXPA. Team Minimums basic checklist
NPS survey embedded in the Team Minimums By end of November or December.



24 Q&A

25 Thanks

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