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Master’s program “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” (PEP)

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Presentation on theme: "Master’s program “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” (PEP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Master’s program “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” (PEP)

2 Area of study – 41.04.04. Political Science Diploma – Master of Political Science Degree Language – English Location – Moscow Schedule of study – 2 -year full-time curriculum

3 PEP program belongs to the family of PPE-type programs launched in Oxford in 1920s to renovate the pattern of classical education. It was presented as «Modern Classics», or «the Modern Greats» and initially was intended for young people seeking to enter the public service

4 Oxford PPEs became an important source for replenishing British and international political elites. Among its notable graduates are the current prime minister of the UK David Cameron, former UK premiers Harold Wilson and Edward Heath, outstanding political and military leaders from other countries, such as Tony Abbott (Australia), Zulfikar and Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan), Solomon Bandaranaike (Ceylon), Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (Peru), Wesley Clark (USA), as well as famous social thinkers, such as Isaiah Berlin, Roy Bhaskar, Guido Calabresi, many influential journalists and businessmen.


6 Our Courses Adaptation courses (2 of 3): Basics of Political Science Basics of Economics Mathematics Core courses: Contemporary Political Science Contemporary Political Science Contemporary Economics Contemporary Economics Theory & Methodology in Political Science and Economics Theory & Methodology in Political Science and Economics Intellectual History Intellectual History Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Special courses: Economics: Comparative Economic Systems State and Economy Politics: Global governance and Strategies of Economic Development Regional Studies in Comparative Perspective: Russia & the World Philosophy: Contemporary Philosophy and Political Ethics Philosophy of New Social Movements Research seminarResearch seminar

7 Our Partners We have a partnership agreement with Witten/Herdecke University in Germany Our students have all opportunities to apply for multiple HSE programs of international cooperation Our program “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” positions itself as a part of the emerging international university network of PPE/PEP programs, existing in the London School of Economics and the University College London, Universities of York, Essex, Edinburgh etc. in the UK; in Hamburg, Bayreuth, Zeppelin Universities in Germany, in Erasmus (Rotterdam) and Leiden Universities in the Netherlands; in Bern and Basel Universities in Switzerland etc.

8 How to Apply? Entry opportunities: tuition-free places available 1. Through the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates (for the winners) 2. Through entry procedures including: a pass/fail exam in English (or language proficiency certificate) portfolio-based admission

9 portfolio Completed application form Resume/CV Letter of motivation (300-500 words) Two letters of recommendation (at least one from someone familiar with your academic work) Copies of published papers, if available (in academic journals, collective monographs and conference papers etc.) Academic essay of 1500-3000 words on one of suggested topics Scans of diplomas and academic transcripts ( If you have not yet received your Bachelor’s diploma, please include an official copy of your most recent academic transcript). Awards and participation certificates from student’s conferences, contests etc. Scan of English proficiency exam results (IELTS or TOEFL) Application procedure includes an interview with the applicant

10 1. What are prerequisites for the success of political reforms and innovations: Sufficient supply of resources of the reformers? Historical lessons of other reforms? Quality of expertise? What else? 2. What are the functions of political obedience and criticism? Under which conditions can obedience and criticism stabilize political order or undermine it? 3. What are the prospects of further development of modern democratic orders? Is its prime time ahead or is it becoming outdated? Are there viable alternatives to modern democracy? 4. Universal and lasting peace is a long-time ideal. Is it compatible with the use of force, or threat s to use the force both internationally and domestically? When use of violence is justified in international and domestic politics? Who can use is? What are limits to its use? 5. Chinese economy is slowing down from annual 10% GDP growth to 5-6%. Is it planned, temporal, dangerous? What factors are driving it?? 6. Middle class social classification: What are criteria and logic behind it? For what kind or socio- economic problem it may help? 7. Low interest rates in USA and other OECD counties are quite unusual. Why are they so low: market, policies, implications? 8. Climate change problem was discussed in COP-21 in Paris. What are results? If we have a prove of a human impact on Climate? What is danger? Mitigation or Adaptation? 9. Millennium Development goals 2000-2015 – success or not? New MDG till 2030 – realistic? 10. The concept of democracy originates from Ancient Greece. At that time, however, this type of political regime was taken unfavourably. Why the principle of democracy became nowadays uncontestable among influential political philosophers? 11. In the current Russian press one can often read that “the authorities signed a contract with the people”. Is it a correct statement, if seem from the perspective of classical theories of the social contract? What was their main point? 12. The term ‘Machiavellianism’ is used to characterize the immoral policy aiming at achieving one’s goal by any effective means. What was the attitude of Machiavelli himself toward such behavior? Essay topics for application to PEP Master’s programme in 2016

11 to the PEP program at the Higher School of Economics!

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